
Processing Models and XML Pipelines

  1. Processing is Always a Multi-step Procedure
  2. Parsing & Processing
  3. Example: Aggregation
  4. Pipeline Motif
  5. Example: Aggregation Implemented via JAXP
  6. Application Needs
  7. Pipelines
  8. Pipeline Example 1
  9. Pipeline Example 2
  10. A "Real" Pipeline
  11. Possible Pipeline Components
  12. Data Flow & Pipelines
  13. Pipelining Languages/Technologies
  14. Smallx
  15. Smallx History
  16. Smallx Pipelines
  17. Smallx Pipelines - Components
  18. Smallx - Large Document Example
  19. Smallx - Aggregation Example
  20. sxpipe
  21. sxpipe Components
  22. Cocoon Pipelines
  23. Event Application Example
  24. Event Application Example - Syntax
  25. Sun Pipeline Language
  26. An Example:
  27. Processors
  28. Steps
  29. Inputs and Outputs
  30. Latex Example
  31. Pipelines as Web Services
  32. Example Web Service - BART Schedule
  33. BART Schedule Input
  34. BART Schedule Output
  35. BART Schedule - Procedure
  36. BART Schedule as a Smallx Pipeline