
November 24, 2007
Reading for November 27th, are now posted. Enjoy!

October 2, 2007
To upload your thoughtless acts, create a new assignment page like any other lab. You'll see "Thoughtless Acts" listed as one of the assignment options.

May 24, 2008
This site has been archived and is no longer editable. Stay tuned for the next version, coming in the fall!

Revision of Space Invaders from Thu, 09/27/2007 - 09:39

Project Members: 
Aylin Selcukoglu


I had a lot of trouble trying to differentiate between input from different sensors in Processing. I tried three different ways which all failed by either causing random java exceptions and just not printing out code anymore (for no reason) or not taking input in correctly. You can see remnants of these attempts commented out in my code.

Ideally I wanted one pot to control a moving spaceship, the FSR to control firing bullets, and there would be enemy spaceship in front of you like a simplified version of space invaders.

With all of my issues trying to recognize input, I wasn't able to do this, so all I ended up with was the photocell controlling the size of the circles on the screen. In almost darkness this gives an "outerspace"-like feel.

Hopefully I can return to this and fix it to the way I want before our next lab is due. 

Mechanical Idea

To distribute force around my FSR, I wanted to use either a squishy clown nose or a stress ball, cut a hole and hollow it out for my FSR to go inside. I couldn't find either of these on hand though, so I wasn't able to test it and take a photo. 

Components Used

1 red, 1 blue, and 1 green LED (Light Emitting Diode)
2 10-ohm resistors (brown, black, orange, gold) 
1 photocell

Arduino Code

 * Resistive Sensor Input
 * Takes the input from a resistive sensor, e.g., FSR or photocell
 * Dims the LED accordingly, and sends the value (0-255) to the serial port
 * Sends the source of input to the serial port as well
 *  F - FSR, C - photocell, P - pot (e.g. F125)
int sensorPin1 = 1;  // select the input pin for the sensor (F - FSR)
int sensorPin2 = 0;  // select the input pin for teh sensor (C - photocell)
int sensorPin3 = 2;  // select the input pin for the sensor (P - pot)

int val1 = 0;        // variable to store the value coming from the sensor
int val2 = 0;        // variable to store the value coming from the sensor
int val3 = 0;        // variable to store the value coming from the sensor

//int ledPin = 11;    // select the output pin for the LED

void setup() {

void loop() {
  val1 = analogRead(sensorPin1); // read the value from the sensor, 0-1023
  analogWrite(11, val1/4);       // dimming the BLUE LED can be between 0-255
  val2 = analogRead(sensorPin2); // read the value from the sensor, 0-1023
  analogWrite(10, val2/4);       // dimming the GREEN LED can be between 0-255
  //val3 = analogRead(sensorPin3); // read the value from the sensor, 0-1023
  //analogWrite(9, val3/4);       // dimming the RED LED can be between 0-255

  //Serial.println(val1/4 + 256);       // writing the value to the PC via serial connection 
                                      // 256 - 511                                  
  Serial.println(val2/4);   // writing the value to the PC via serial connection 
  //Serial.println(val3/4);       // writing the value to the PC via serial connection 
  delay(50);                   // rest a little...
Processing Code 
 * Arduino Ball Paint
 * (Arduino Ball, modified)
 * ---------------------- 
 * Draw balls randomly on the screen, size controlled by a device
 * on a serial port.  Press space bar to clear screen, or any 
 * other key to generate fixed-size random balls.
 * Receives an ASCII number over the serial port, 
 * terminated with a carriage return (ascii 13) then newline (10).
 * This matches what Arduino's " Serial.println(val)" function
 * puts out.
 * Created 25 October 2006
 * copyleft 2006 Tod E. Kurt <
import processing.serial.*;
// Change this to the portname your Arduino board
String portname = "/dev/tty.usbserial-A4001o19"; // or "COM5"
Serial port;
String buf="";
char flag;
int cr = 13;  // ASCII return   == 13
int lf = 10;  // ASCII linefeed == 10
void setup() {
  port = new Serial(this, portname, 9600); 
void draw() {
void keyPressed() {
  if(key == ' ') {
    background(40,40,40);  // erase screen
 // if (key == 'f') {
  else {
    int x = int(random(0,width));
    int y = int(random(0,height));
    drawball(x,y, 50);
// draw balls
void drawball(int x, int y, int r) {
  for (int i=0; i<100; i++ ) {
   // fill(255-i,i,240);
    fill(255, 255, 255);

// called whenever serial data arrives
void serialEvent(Serial p) {
  int c =;
  if (c != lf && c != cr) {
    //if (c == 70)
      //flag = 'F';
   // else if (c == 67)
     // flag = 'C';
    //else if (c == 80)
      //flag = 'P';
      buf += char(c);
  // all input from serial has been read in
  if (c == lf) {
    // thanks to Shawna for point out charAt() and substring() functions
    //String in = buf;
    //int value = 0;
    //char flag = in.charAt(0);
    //String num = in.substring(1);
    //int value = int(num);
    //println("input flag = " + flag);
    //println("input value = " + value);
    int val = int(buf);
    //if (val <= 255) 
      //flag = 'C';
    //else if (val > 255)
      //flag = 'F';
    //if (flag == 'C') {
      int x = int(random(0,width));
      int y = int(random(0,height));
      buf = "";
   // }
    //if (flag == 'F' && val >= 384) {
      //val -= 256;
      //background(40,40,40);  // erase screen
      //buf = "";
   // }


 outerspaceouterspace (in almost darkness) 


in light

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