
November 24, 2007
Reading for November 27th, are now posted. Enjoy!

October 2, 2007
To upload your thoughtless acts, create a new assignment page like any other lab. You'll see "Thoughtless Acts" listed as one of the assignment options.

May 24, 2008
This site has been archived and is no longer editable. Stay tuned for the next version, coming in the fall!

Revision of Lab 4: FSR from Thu, 09/27/2007 - 00:39

Project Members: 
Elisa Oreglia

Mechanical Part


I was curious to see if I could diffuse and concentrate the pressure on the FSR. I had a small clamp (reversible spreader) that I could use to control the pressure, and a sheep-shaped PEZ doll whose forelegs and backlegs are of a different size, so I could do a sort of controlled experiment. I attached the forelegs of the sheep to the clamp using the crocodile clips that were part of the helping hand I use to solder. Then I sat the sheep on the arduino board, with the FSR between its forelegs, and started to close the clamp. The LED turned on, but it didn't seem that its brightness increased with the tightness of the clamp. I tried the same procedure with the forelegs, but the results were the same. I failed, but the experiment was amusing. And as you can see from the sheep smiling face, no sheep was harmed during this experiment.


FSR breadboard set-up (1 LED, 1 FSR, two resistors, wires)
1 PEZ sheep
1 clamp
2 crocodile clips


* Resistive Sensor Input
* Takes the input from a resistive sensor, e.g., FSR or photocell
* Dims the LED accordingly, and sends the value (0-255) to the serial port
int sensorPin = 0; // select the input pin for the sensor
int ledPin = 11; // select the output pin for the LED
int val = 0; // variable to store the value coming from the sensor
void setup() {
void loop() {
val = analogRead(sensorPin); // read the value from the sensor, 0-1023
analogWrite(ledPin, val/4); // analogWrite (dimming the LED) can be between 0-255
Serial.println(val/4); // writing the value to the PC via serial connection
delay(50); // rest a little...



Sheep forelegs

Sheep forelegs

Sheep forelegs LED on

Sheep forelegs LED on

Sheep hindlegs

Sheep hindlegs

Sheep hindlegs LED on

Sheep hindlegs LED on

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