
November 24, 2007
Reading for November 27th, are now posted. Enjoy!

October 2, 2007
To upload your thoughtless acts, create a new assignment page like any other lab. You'll see "Thoughtless Acts" listed as one of the assignment options.

May 24, 2008
This site has been archived and is no longer editable. Stay tuned for the next version, coming in the fall!

Revision of Lab 4 from Thu, 09/27/2007 - 09:28

Project Members: 
Eun Kyoung Choe


By pressing the FSR sensor, you can create an abstract drawing full of circles. As you press the FSR sensor harder, the radius of a circle becomes larger, color of the circle becomes brighter. (black<->white) X and y coordinates are randomly chosen. You can start over if you press the space key.

Hardware Components Used

4 Resistors
Arduino Board

Arduino Code

* 09/26/07
* Tangible User Interfaces
* Lab 4 Sensors: Force sensitive resistors and photocells
* Eun Kyoung Choe

// variables for input pin and control LED
int analogInput = 3;
int LEDpin1 = 13;
int LEDpin2 = 12;
int LEDpin3 = 11;
// variable to store the value
int value = 0;
// a threshold to decide when the LED turns on
int threshold = 512;
void setup(){

// declaration of pin modes
pinMode(analogInput, INPUT);
pinMode(LEDpin1, OUTPUT);
pinMode(LEDpin2, OUTPUT);
pinMode(LEDpin3, OUTPUT);
// begin sending over serial port

void loop(){
// read the value on analog input
value = analogRead(analogInput);

// if value greater than threshold turn on LED
if (value < threshold){
digitalWrite(LEDpin1, LOW);
digitalWrite(LEDpin2, LOW);
digitalWrite(LEDpin3, LOW);

digitalWrite(LEDpin1, HIGH);
digitalWrite(LEDpin2, HIGH);
digitalWrite(LEDpin3, HIGH);
// print out value over the serial port

// and a signal that serves as seperator between two values

// wait for a bit to not overload the port

Processing Code

* 09/26/07
* Tangible User Interfaces
* Lab 4 Sensors: Force sensitive resistors and photocells
* Eun Kyoung Choe
* Reads the values which represent the state of a FSR sensor
* from the serial port and draws a graphical representation.

// importing the processing serial class
import processing.serial.*;

// definition of window size and framerate
int xWidth = 500;
int yHeight = 500;
int fr = 30;

// attributes of the display
boolean output = false;
// variables for serial connection, portname and baudrate have to be set
Serial port;
String portname = "/dev/tty.usbserial-A4001nXx";
int baudrate = 9600;
int value = 0;
String buf="";
int value1 = 0;

// variables to draw graphics
int x, y, cursorSize;
int cnt = 6;
// hit the space key and erases the screen
void keyPressed(){
if (key == ' '){

void setup(){
// set size and framerate
size(xWidth, yHeight);
// establish serial port connection
port = new Serial(this, portname, baudrate);

void drawLDRState(){
cnt = int(random(1,5));
cursorSize = 5 + cnt*(value1/20);
float gray = value1/4;

void serialEvent(int serial){

if(serial!=10) {
buf += char(serial);
} else {
value1 = int(buf);
if(output) println("LDR: "+value1);

void draw(){
while(port.available() > 0){
value =;

Mechanical Part

I love drip coffee, but I have to follow thorough steps to make a good cup of coffee using a cone dripper. One factor of making a good coffee is to use the right amount of the coffee, so I use a Tablespoon to measure the coffee ground especially when I make more than one cup. I thought it might be convenient if FSR is attached to the bottom of the cone filter, can measure the weight of the coffee ground so that tells me whether I use the right amount of the coffee ground by color of the LED.The color of the LED changes proportionate to the amount of the coffee ground. When the weight reaches to every two Tablespoon (=serves for one person), LED blinks.

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