Project Members: 
Ethan DeYoung
Jess Kline
Srinivasan Ramaswamy
General Description
Whether marveling at the size of a sting ray’s wings at an aquarium oradmiring your own pet goldfish in its simple round bowl, fish tanks arewonderful things to observe. Specifically, the varied colors, shapes,and textures of fish and other tank life are aesthetically pleasing andpositively contribute to the ambiance of a room. While traditional fishtanks are designed for observation rather than interaction, in ourtangible user interface midterm assignment we hope to design a fishtank that also supports interaction.
We have come up with three ideas as to how to create a fish tankthat supports interaction as well as traditional observation. Theyinclude:
Idea 1: A miming fish
This fish tank consists of two identical fish, one that is interactedwith outside the tank and the other resides within the tank. The formeracts as the interaction input: people play with the fish and itremembers and transmits its movement to the other fish. The later actsas the interaction output: the fish receives the input and replaysthese movements of the other fish. While this idea is similar to thecurly bot-esquefish, its advantage is that people don't have to continuously place itin and take it out of the tank. And this fish token resembles a distantembodiment, rather than the full embodiment token of a Curly Bot toy.
Idea 2: A "smart" fish
This fish tank consists of one smart fish (as well as a smart tank.) Thetank acts as the interaction input and the fish acts as the interactionoutput. For example, someone might tap on the tank and the fish willhide in its home (such as a shell or castle accessory.) Or someonemight say the fish's name, the tank will recognize it, and the fishwill swim to the top of the tank. Other environmental inputs mightinclude light, movement, or other forces to the water or tank.
Idea 3: A curly bot-esque fish
This tank consists of one fish. This fish acts as both the interactioninput and output. For example, someone might remove the fish from thetank and move it around. The fish then remembers this movement and theperson places the fish back into the tank, the fish will replay thismovement. Because our third idea resembles the Curly Bot interactionand output, it might not be as ideal as ideas one and two.
We are open to any suggestions regarding other interactions and featuresand are considering combining different features of the proposedideas. Also, it's important to mention that our different fishvariations utilize fake fish.
Implementation Ideas
Any implementation of a fish inside of a tank will present the problem ofhow to transmit data to the fish inside of the tank (e.g. wire orwireless transmission). For the purposes of this project, limiting thetransmission of data to a wired connection may help to keep the scopeof this project in line with the allotted time.
Force sensors on the outer surface of the tank will detect tapping onthe tank. Similar sensors could be placed inside the tank (submerged)to detect waves/motion in the liquid.
Any one of the three ideas would require constructing a fish that will'swim' in three dimensions. To accomplish this, the fish will need tobe constructed with the ability to adjust its buoyancy up or down.Additionally, the fish will need a way to equalize its buoyancy to itsweight, so that the fish will remain at its level.
And it might be necessary to use a non-conductive liquid instead of waterfor the fish tank. This presents additional problems, the properties ofthe non-conductive liquid may very well be different than that ofwater.
Materials for the tank
Materials for the fish
- photocell for detecting night/day - included in our kit (qty 6)
- force sensor for detecting impact on the tank/in the water - included in out kit (qty 3)
- microphone for detecting sounds - not in kit
- speaker for output - piezo speaker in kit (qty 3)
- small motors for propulsion - not in kit
- adjustable fins for directional control - not in kit