
November 24, 2007
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May 24, 2008
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Revision of Lab 3 - Fun with Potentiometers from Thu, 09/20/2007 - 01:49

Project Members: 
Isaac Salier-He...


Utilizing analog input from three potentiometers, we can create a spectrum of variations in the output of our LED's. With the program below, here's what the three potentiometers can do:

1. Control blink rate. Turning the pot all the way to the right stops the blinking and keeps the LED light steady.

2. Control brightness across all three LED's simultaneously. This way, we can fade in and out while maintaining the same diffused color.

3. Control the combined color output. Each color fades in and out appropriately to allow a full turn of the pot to output the red-orange-yellow-green-cyan-blue-magenta continuum.


  • breadboard
  • 3 220 Ohm resistors
  • wires (black/orange for ground, yellow for pot output and analog connections, red for 5V, green for output connections)
  • 3 LED's (red, green, blue)
  • 3 potentiometers (including 5V red wire, output yellow wire, black ground wire)
  • Plastic/paper diffuser
  • Arduino board
  • USB cable
  • trusty rubber bands


Below is the modified code:

* "Coffee-cup" Color Mixer:
* Code for mixing and reporting PWM-mediated color
* Assumes Arduino 0004 or higher, as it uses Serial.begin()-style communication
* Modified by Isaac Salier-Hellendag
* Tangible UI i290-13
* Lab 3 - 3 potentiometers and LEDs
* Using this program, the potentiometers now control the following:
* 1. Color (continuum from red->orange->yellow->green->cyan->blue->magenta
* 2. Blink Rate
* 3. Brightness (of all three LEDs together)

// Analog pin settings
int blinkIn = 0; // Potentiometers connected to analog pins 0, 1, and 2
int colorIn = 1; // (Connect power to 5V and ground to analog ground)
int brightnessIn = 2;

// Digital pin settings
int blueOut = 11; // LEDs connected to digital pins 9, 10 and 11
int greenOut = 10; // (Connect cathodes to digital ground)
int redOut = 9;

// Values
int blinkVal = 0; // Variables to store the input from the potentiometers
int colorVal = 0;
int brightnessVal = 0;

// Colors for Spectrum
int blueRgb = 0;
int greenRgb = 0;
int redRgb = 0;

// Variables for comparing values between loops
int i = 0; // Loop counter
int wait = (1000); // Delay between most recent pot adjustment and output

int checkSum = 0; // Aggregate pot values
int prevCheckSum = 0;
int sens = 3; // Sensitivity theshold, to prevent small changes in
// pot values from triggering false reporting

void setup()
pinMode(blueOut, OUTPUT); // sets the digital pins as output
pinMode(greenOut, OUTPUT);
pinMode(redOut, OUTPUT);
Serial.begin(9600); // Open serial communication for reporting

void loop()
// Get blink value.
blinkVal = analogRead(blinkIn);

// Do a blink.
if(blinkVal > 10) {

void blinkOn() {
colorVal = analogRead(colorIn);
brightnessVal = analogRead(brightnessIn) / 100;

// Get blue for colorVal spectrum
if(colorVal < 408) {
blueRgb = 0;
} else if(colorVal >= 408 && colorVal < 612) {
blueRgb = ((5 * colorVal) / 4) - 510;
} else if(colorVal >= 612) {
blueRgb = 255;

// Get green for colorVal spectrum
if(colorVal == 0) {
greenRgb = 0;
} else if(colorVal >= 204 && colorVal <= 612) {
greenRgb = 255;
} else if(colorVal >= 816) {
greenRgb = 0;
} else if(colorVal < 204) {
greenRgb = ((5 * colorVal) / 4);
} else {
greenRgb = ((-5 * colorVal) / 4) + 1020;

// Get red for colorVal spectrum
if(colorVal <= 204) {
redRgb = 255;
} else if(colorVal >= 408 && colorVal <= 816) {
redRgb = 0;
} else if(colorVal > 204 && colorVal < 408) {
redRgb = ((-5 * colorVal) / 4) + 510;
} else {
redRgb = ((5 * colorVal) / 4) - 1021;

if(redRgb > 255) redRgb = 255;

// Multiply RGB values by brightness.
blueRgb = (brightnessVal * blueRgb) / 10;
greenRgb = (brightnessVal * greenRgb) / 10;
redRgb = (brightnessVal * redRgb) / 10;

analogWrite(blueOut, blueRgb);
analogWrite(greenOut, greenRgb);
analogWrite(redOut, redRgb);


void blinkOff() {
analogWrite(blueOut, 0);
analogWrite(greenOut, 0);
analogWrite(redOut, 0);

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