The primary graded assignment in this class will come from a final project. The final project can either be a single-author paper (Track I final project) or an actual application or CMC-related prototype with up to two student developers (Track II final project). The final project details (including deliverables and how to choose which type of project to do) are available here. The final project grade will make up 60% of your final grade.
There will be three graded assignments during the semester, each related to the development of your final project. These three assignments will be worth 10% each, for a combined total of 30% of your final grade.
The remaining 10% of your grade will come from regular class attendance, participation, and instructor discretion. Part of your participation grade will come from acting as a class discussion leader on at least one assigned week. Two to three students will be assigned as discussion leaders for each Thursday in the semester. These discussion leaders will guide the discussion of the week's material for the last 30 minutes of class each Thursday. The discussion leader week assignments will be created during the first week of class.
Tue 26 Sep :: Problem and justification memo for final project due
Tue 2 Nov :: Interim report and project drafts due
Tue 21 Nov :: Roundtable presentations
Tue 5 Dec :: Final project presentations I
Thu 7 Dec :: Final project presentations II
Thu 7 Dec :: Final project due
Fri 8 Dec @ 4:00 pm :: Final project hard deadline (none accepted after this time)