School of Information Management & Systems.   Spring 2003.
285 Design of Library Services.   Michael Buckland.

Assignment 10: Budget Revision. Due April 11.
You have inherited the budget for an imaginary, twelve-month project. Unfortunately, on account of state budget cuts, the guidelines now call for grants to be below $120,000. 1: Imagine and explain what the project is for. 2: Rationalize how best to make cuts, modifying the scope and/or scale of the project. 3: Revise the budget accordingly. 4: Explain and (very briefly) justify the changes. Use the following guidelines and format:

Associate Librarian step II $50,000 per annum.
Library Assistant II, step 2: $2,094 per month.
Graduate Student Researcher I: $28,128 per an.
Undergraduate Casual Student Labor: $7.00 per hour (assume 2.080 hours per year).
Employee benefits: Librarian 19% of salary; Library Assistant 25%; Graduate Student Researcher and casual student labor 2%.
Include some travel, some equipment, some supplies.
Indirect cost 49% where applicable.
When rounding: 0.5 becomes 1; <0.5 becomes 0.


1. Salaries & wages:
  -   Librarian: 100% time @ $50,000 50,000
  -   Library Assistant: 50% time @ $2,094 p. mon. 12,564
  -   Grad. Student Res: 50% time @ $28,128 p. an. 14,064
Total Salaries and wages:68,784
2. Employee benefits:
  -   Librarian: 19%9,500
  -   Library Assistant: 25% 3,141
  -   Grad. Student Researcher: 2% [Simplification] 281
Total Employee benefits:12,922
3. Travel:
  -   Airfare $500; 5 days @150 per diem 1,250
4. Equipment:
  -   Personal computer 1,000
5. Supplies:
  -   Telephone $100; Office supplies $200. 300
6. Contractual services: -0-
7. Other: -0-
8. Total direct cost: [Sum of 1-7] 92,100
9. Indirect cost (50% of 1-3, 5-7) 45,550
Total budget cost [Sum of 8 + 9] 137,650
Notes: [Explain anything not obvious!]