L4. Tuesday, Sept. 7

Published in

Critical analysis/examination of research problems.

Readings (see note below):

  • Brown and Muchira. 2004. "Investigating the relationship between internet privacy concerns and online purchase behavior." Journal of Electronic Commerce Research. [*Focus on first 6 pages*].  PDF
  • Mark, Noah.  1998. "Birds of a Feather Sing Together" Social Forces 77:2. [*Focus on first 16 pages, up until the Results*] PDF

NOTE: The main goal for these readings is to critically examine the research problems and questions in each paper, and how the method fits the stated questions/problem. If you want to read the rest of the research papers for your own interest, definitely go right ahead!  But we will only focus on the problem statements/questions, hypotheses and methodology on Tuesday so come prepared to talk about those elements of each study.