SF Chronicle Discovers That People May Not Respond Honestly To Polls

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Ha ha...I think Coye has made this point at least a couple times in lecture, so I just found it amusing to see this in the news.  Although I give them points for noting that Nate Silver has coined "The Broadus Effect" to refer to this phenomenon, as in weed-loving Calvin Broadus, aka Snoop Dogg. "The campaign team behind Proposition 19, which is working to legalize, tax and regulate marijuana for Californians over 21, has noticed an odd trend among public and internal polls on the measure: People are less likely to tell a live person that they support legalizing pot than an automated pollster."

Read more: http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2010/10/29/MN7O1G3MNR.DTL&tsp=1#ixzz13lOvJrYL