/*- Alagna styles - Drupal6x - 17/07/09 @ author:signalkuppe: www.signalkuppe.com */ /* ########## Graphics ########## */ /* ## In the css you will find everything about template's look and feel (backgorunds, colors, list-styles ecc..) ## */ body { color: #333; background: #000 url(img/stardust.png); } #edit-body{ color:#000; background:#fff; } #page { background: white; padding:0px 20px; border:12px solid #fff; } img {border: 0;} #header { background: #fff: /*fixed background */} #submenu { /*secondary links*/ background: #2281c1 url(img/slinks.gif) repeat-x top; color:#fff; } .path p span { text-transform:uppercase; background:#e1e0e0; } #header h1, #header p.sitetitle { /* site title */color:#333;} #header p.slogan{ /* site slogan*/color: #fff;} #utilities input.form-submit{ border: #FFFFFF 1px solid; background:#2B2B2B; color: #ffffff; } #utilities input.form-text { background: #7988b7; border:1px solid #ade1fa; color:white; } #sitemission{ /*site mission*/background: url(../img/bgblock.gif) repeat-x top;} #primary #sitemission p{color:#666;} /*block styles*/ .defaultblock .blockcontent, .loginblock .blockcontent{;} .defaultblock h2,.loginblock h2.login{border-bottom:thin dashed} /*- Primary Contents */ #primary .title h2{color: #005a8c;} #primary .item .itemtext {color: #444;} #primary .item .itemhead p.metadata {color: #666;} #primary .singlepage ../img.destra { border: 1px solid #ccc;} #primary .singlepage ../img.altobasso { border: 0px solid #ccc;} #footer { color:#FFFFFF; background:none; } #footer ../img{border:none;} /*----------list styles----------*/ .tabs ul li { background:none; padding:0; margin:0; list-style:none; } #primary ul{margin:10px 0 10px 0;} /*lists in content*/ .item-list ul li{background:url('../img/leaf.gif') no-repeat 0px 2px; list-style:none;} .rsidebar ul li.expanded, .lsidebar ul.menu li.expanded {background: transparent url('../img/expanded.gif') no-repeat 2px .3em;} .rsidebar ul li.collapsed, .lsidebar ul.menu li.collapsed {background: transparent url('../img/collapsed.gif') no-repeat 2px .3em;} #primary .singlepage .node .content ul li, .comment ul li{ /*lists in node content*/ list-style:none; background:url('../img/leaf.gif') no-repeat 0px 2px; } #primary .singlepage .node .content ol li{ /*ordered lists in node content*/list-style-type:decimal;} .rsidebar ul.menu li, .rsidebar .item-list ul li, .rsidebar li.leaf, .lsidebar ul.menu li, .lsidebar .item-list ul li, .lsidebar li.leaf { list-style-type: none; list-style-image: none; background: transparent url('../img/leaf.gif') no-repeat 2px .3em; } #primary .singlepage .node .content .views-admin-links ul li, .rsidebar .views-admin-links ul li, .lsidebar .views-admin-links ul li{ /*wiews admin links */ list-style:none; background:none; } #user-login-form ul li{ background: transparent url('../img/collapsed.gif') no-repeat 2px 1px; } ul.inline li {background: none;} /*---------------tables---------------*/ #primary .node table tr td{border:1px solid #e2e2e2;} thead th{ color:white; background:#2281c1; } tr.even{background-color:#d1dee6;} tr.odd{background-color:#ededed;} td.region,td.module,td.container{ background-color:#CDD6DE; border-bottom:1px solid #AAAAAA; border-top:1.5em solid #fff; color:#455067; } td.menu-disabled,td.menu-disabled a{ background-color:#D5C2C2; color:#000; } hr { border: none; background: #5294c1; } dl dt{background:url(../img/square.gif) no-repeat 0 1px;} span.form-required {color: #ffae00;} .form-item ul li{list-style: none;} .fieldset ul li{list-style: none;} fieldset ul.clear-block li{background-image: none;} #primary .content blockquote { background-color:#eeeeee; border:1px solid #ccc; color:#666; } .preview .node{ /*node preview*/ background-color:#faf6d9; border:4px dashed #e7e3c4; } /*admin panel styles*/ div.admin-panel {background:url(../img/gradient.gif) repeat-x;} #primary .messages ul li{list-style:none;} #primary .messages .status{ background-color:#d8fab6; border:1px solid #3d7903; } #primary .help .help{ background-color:#FFFFCC; border:1px solid #FFCC00; } #primary .help .help ul li{ background: url(../img/lista.gif) no-repeat 0 7px; list-style:none; } #primary .admin-dependencies, #primary .admin-required {color:#999999;} #primary code{color:#000;} /*comments & links*/ .comment{ background-color:#ededed; border:1px solid #ccc; } #comments .odd{ background: #f0f3f8; border:1px solid #bdd8f4; } .comment-new .commentTitle a{ background:url(../img/new.gif) no-repeat right 4px; padding-right:28px; } .comment .links ul li{ list-style:none; background:none; } /*icons*/ /*icons*/ .comment .links li.comment_delete{background:url(../img/commentdelete.gif) no-repeat;} .comment .links li.comment_edit{background:url(../img/commentedit.gif) no-repeat;} .comment .links li.comment_reply{background:url(../img/commentadd.gif) no-repeat;} #primary .links li.comment_forbidden{background:url(../img/lock.gif) no-repeat;} #primary .links li.comment_comments, #primary .view-og-ghp-ron .node .links li.comment_comments{background:url(../img/comments.gif) no-repeat;} #primary .links li.blog_usernames_blog first{background:url(../img/blog.gif) no-repeat;} .links li.comment_add, #primary .view-og-ghp-ron .node .links .comment_add{background:url(../img/comment_add.gif) no-repeat;} .links .node_read_more, #primary .view-og-ghp-ron .node .links .node_read_more{background:url(../img/readmore.gif) no-repeat;} /*taxonomy terms in node*/ .taxonomy{border-top:4px solid #eee;} .taxonomy span{background:url(../img/tags.gif) no-repeat;} p span.tagsteaser{ background:url(../img/tags.gif) no-repeat; color:#24365c; } .preview .node .taxonomy ul li span{background:none;} /*no key icon in preview */ /*meta in nodes*/ .linksteaser { border-bottom:1px dashed #ccc; } .metanode span.author{background:url(../img/user.gif) no-repeat;} .metanode span.date{background:url(../img/clock.gif) no-repeat 2px 0;} .item-list .pager li.pager-current{ background-color:#ededed; border:1px solid #ccc; color:#333; } /*avatar*/ .picture ../img{ border:1px solid #e1e0e0; background:white; } .picture a:hover ../img{background:url(../img/bgavatar.gif) no-repeat bottom;} /*signature in 6x */ .firma{ border-top:1px solid #dfdede; color: #666; } .odd .firma{ border-top:1px solid #bdd8f4; color:#3e6c9d; } /*forums*/ #primary .singlepage #forum ul.links li.forum{background:url(../img/post.gif) no-repeat 0px -1px;} .singlepage #forum table tr.even{background-color:#ededed;} .singlepage #forum table tr td.container{background-color: #FFF;} /*profile*/ .profile h3{border-bottom:none;} /*book & forum navigation*/ .book-navigation, .forum-topic-navigation{background:#eee;} /*pools*/ #page .poll .bar .foreground{background-color:#156aa3;} /*book links */ .links .book_printer{ background:url(../img/print.gif) no-repeat; } .links .book_add_child{ background:url(../img/add.gif) no-repeat; } #primary .content .book-navigation .menu li{ background:url(../img/figlio.gif) no-repeat 0 0px; list-style:none; list-style-image:none; list-style-type:none; } /*search results*/ #primary .singlepage .search-results dt{background:url(../img/result.gif) no-repeat;} #primary .singlepage .search-results p strong{ background: #FFFF99} /*hidden div used to hide hidden form elements (such as paypal form)*/ .hide{visibility:hidden;height:5px;} /* Collapsible fieldsets */ fieldset {border: 1px solid #ccc;} /* Targets IE 7. Fixes background image in fieldsets. */ *:first-child+html fieldset { background-position: 0 0.65em; background-color: transparent; } fieldset ul.clear-block li { background-image: none;} .feedcontainer .feedcontent{border-bottom:1px dashed #ccc;} #primary .singlepage .feedsummary {border-bottom:1px dashed #ccc;} #primary .singlepage #aggregator li { /*aggregator list*/ list-style:square; background:none; } /*taxonomy term page */ .terminfo, .og-mission{ background: #CFF;} #primary .terminfo p, .og-mission{color: #036;} /*form buttons*/ .form-submit{ border:3px double #ccc; background:#005a8c; color:#fff; }