
Posted by yoon

yoon's picture

* components used: arduino board, resistors, 3 potentiometers and 3 LEDs

* description:

3 LEDs are blinking in the same phase. pot #0 controls the brightness of all 3 LEDs, pot#1 controls the frequency of all 3 LEDs' blinking, pot#2 is changing the phase and brightness of blinking LEDs by turning on one LED with the brightness commanded by pot#2 , while other two LEDs are off. It starts from red and goes to green, blue, and then red ..




int pot[] = {0, 1, 2};   // select the input pins for the potentiometer 1,2,3 (0,1,2)
int potVal [] = {0, 0, 0};   //initial values for pots
int color[] = {9,10,11};  
/* color[0] = red, select pin 9 for this
   color[1] = green, select pin 10 for this
   color[2] = blue, select pin 11 for this */
void setup() {
  for (int i = 0; i<=2; i++){
   pinMode(color[i], OUTPUT);  // declare the pin as an OUTPUT
void loop() {
  for (int i = 0; i<=2; i++){
   potVal[i]= map(analogRead(pot[i]), 1, 1023, 0, 255);  //map digital -> analog
   analogWrite(color[0], potVal[0]);
   analogWrite(color[1], potVal[0]);
   analogWrite(color[2], potVal[0]);   // dim LEDs to value from pot0 
   analogWrite(color[0], 0);
   analogWrite(color[1], 0);
   analogWrite(color[2], 0);
   delay(potVal[1]);   //blink LEDs with frequency set by pot1
   analogWrite(color[i], potVal[2]);        
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