Coockoo Clock: The Castle Dragon

Posted by raghavchandra

raghavchandra's picture
The Castle Dragon
Group: Avery, Cole, Raghav
For this assignment, we were supposed to use simple mechanics to build a cuckoo clock like structure. 
Our Cuckoo Clock Structure is a fortified Castle; complete with a moat full of ferocious crocodiles , a draw Bridge, and a Fire Breathing Dragon that moves in and out of the entrance. 
"Inside the Castle lies the treasure. "
Our world is full of robbers and thieves in search of the treasure. They use their respective cuckoo clocks as alarms. Whenever the clocks start cuckooing, they attack the castle.
Our Dragon is a smart dragon. It knows this fact that the enemies would attack every hour, hence it come our and starts breathing out fire every hour. Hence, the treasure is kept safe.... for ever.
Materials Used:
  • Foam core
  • Construction paper
  • Metal links
  • Fasteners
  • Wood
  • Hot glue
Our structure has multiple parts: the castle, dragon and the bridge. The main mechanics of our structure lie in the bridge and the dragon. Both of them are operated by different 4-bar mechanisms. 
Click here to see the video.
top view.jpg
side view.jpg
4bar mechanism.jpg
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