Thoughtless Acts

Posted by karthik

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 Thoughtless Act 1 - Using Bus windows as headrests

It's very common to doze off on long bus rides with your head on the window. This eventually leads to bad headaches and more commonly, neck pains. The sunlight doesn't help either.


Solution: A simple solution would be to have a cushioned curtains that double up as head rests. Or even providing passengers with normal cushions would be helpful.

Thoughtless Act 2 - Top Bunk storage problems!

Reading on the top bunk at night can be comfortable, until you realize that it's time to sleep and all your books and stationary are lying on the bed. And of course, you're too lazy to come down to dump everything. 

Solution: An attachable tray with railings to prevent things from falling off. This tray should clasp on to the bunk bed's frame. This would make my life a lot easier for sure! Something like the tray below would work:



Thoughtless Act 3 - I can't hear you!

Whenever I'm listening to music and people talk to me, I have a natural tendency to take my headphones off whether or not the music is too loud to hear them. The cause is one of two obvious things:

1- the music, however soft, coming in the way of conversation; or

2- a sign of respect or acknowledgement of the speaker.

It's really annoying to have to put them off and on though!


Solution: Most decent headphones today come with volume control. It would be really easy to have a simple  button that mutes the headphone completely at a single touch. And to take care of cause 2, headphones could come with a standard LED that is lit when music is playing (or even correspond to the volume), so anyone talking to you would actually know your headphones are off and you're actually listening to them

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