From climber to Crawling Alien :(

Posted by karthik

karthik's picture



1. Using the servo motor to explore rotational and linear motions.

2. Create a Crawler 


Required items: Just a Servo, "a limb", rubber band, potentiometer, tape, Arduino, wires

The control circuit is as follows 



My original idea was to create a crawler that can actually crawl up a ladder. But thanks to my great mechanical skills and lack of equipment at home, I could not come up with a hinge that would grasp each rung. 

So the climber turned into a crawling alien. I use a pencap to linearize motion in a side to side fashion. This translates into a little forward motion as the pen cap hits the ground at an angle.

A video can be seen at




photo (1).JPG
Crawler 1
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