Lab 7 - Servo Motor a.k.a Yellow Submarine

Posted by emily

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Use a servo motor to create a crawler that can move forward.

For this assignment, I used the popular "hobble forward" technique.  After taping the servo motor on top of a small jewelry box, I attached a bendable drinking straw as a leg, which was able to move the entire contraption perpendicular to the motion of the drinking straw leg.  I controlled the rotation and speed of the "leg" using a potentiometer.  The crawler's drinking straw leg reminds me a little bit of a submarine periscope, hence the name of this assignment.

Ariel and I explored several other orientations and combinations of servo motors to produce motion, so be sure to check out those videos too! (Niranjan: the other videos are available here)

Components Used

  • Arduino x 1
  • Breadboard x 1
  • wires x several
  • potentiometer x 1
  • servo motor x 1
  • bendable drinking straw
  • small yellow jewelry box
  • black electrical tape


I used the sample code "servo_control_pot.txt" from lab for this assignment.
 * Servo with Potentiometer control
 * Theory and Practice of Tangible User Interfaces
 * October 11 2007
int servoPin = 7;      // Control pin for servo motor
int potPin   = 0;      // select the input pin for the potentiometer
int pulseWidth = 0;    // Amount to pulse the servo
long lastPulse = 0;    // the time in millisecs of the last pulse
int refreshTime = 20;  // the time in millisecs needed in between pulses
int val;               // variable used to store data from potentiometer
int minPulse = 500;   // minimum pulse width
void setup() {
  pinMode(servoPin, OUTPUT);  // Set servo pin as an output pin
  pulseWidth = minPulse;      // Set the motor position to the minimum
  Serial.begin(9600);         // connect to the serial port
  Serial.println("servo_serial_better ready");
void loop() {
  val = analogRead(potPin);    // read the value from the sensor, between 0 - 1024
  if (val > 0 && val <= 999 ) {
    pulseWidth = val*2 + minPulse;  // convert angle to microseconds
    Serial.print("moving servo to ");
  updateServo();   // update servo position
// called every loop(). 
void updateServo() {
  // pulse the servo again if the refresh time (20 ms) has passed:
  if (millis() - lastPulse >= refreshTime) {
    digitalWrite(servoPin, HIGH);   // Turn the motor on
    delayMicroseconds(pulseWidth);  // Length of the pulse sets the motor position
    digitalWrite(servoPin, LOW);    // Turn the motor off
    lastPulse = millis();           // save the time of the last pulse


Creator Comments
We all live in a yellow submarine.
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