Tranquility: Board Game

Posted by Avery

Avery's picture

Our original project used heart rate and motion input to control a thermostat. We received critique that the user interface was boring, uncreative, and already been done. For our final project we are continuing to use the heart rate input, but are instead applying it to a tangible board game. We thought that the most interesting part of our midterm project was using heart rate as input, so we are going to explore that more in our final project.


In our final project we will explore heart rate further. We will be looking at heart rate variability, which is the regularity of the time in between heart beats. This has been shown to be an indication of relaxation and attention. We think that a board game is a good way to explore this because playing a game has an effect on relaxation levels of the players. Since managing stress during interactions with other people in life is a skill, we feel our game would work to improve this ability in each player.


Our concept of the game is a tangible board game. Each player has a particular shaped pieces and the goal of the game is to fill the board with your shape. Players are allowed to add shapes by having a positive HRV (heart rate variability) at the end of each round. The rounds get shorter and shorter, adding to the challenge of having a positive hrv. The number of pieces each player adds each turn is based on some algorithm of their HRV, other players HRVs, and of round number. In addition, each piece provides feedback to the player by glowing a color related to the player's HRV. Players can make this game harder by taunting each other during game play.


We think that the effect of playing our game would teach players to be able to lower their HRV despite stressful game and player situations. We imagine that a buddhist monk would be great at our game.


Daniel- Research on HRV

Avery- Board game idea


We will work together to build the tangible parts. Avery will take the lead on programming and Daniel will take the lead on testing, although we will contribute to both aspects.

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