Thoughless Acts

Posted by apoorvas

apoorvas's picture


Thoughtless Acts :


  1. Writing notes on hand:
    I have seen a lot of people scribble notes on their hands, from phone numbers to things to do to reminders for themselves. It is a very convenient and prominent place to write quick things, but it can ruin the skin and also makes the hands look very messy. From my experience it is always easy to find something to write/scribble  with , whats harder to find is a surface to write on. So I suggest this unique band of post-its! You can wear it on your hand like any other band, and jot down quick notes. You can also take the post-it out of the band and put it on your desk if you want to. Its a easy and better replacemant to writing on hand.

  handnotes   handpostit


  1. Sleeping in a plane:



I, along with many other people find it really hard to sleep on a plane during long haul flights. Firstly because of the constricted space and secondly because I don't have a proper place to rest my feet. So I end up using the hammock as a temporary foot rest in order to sleep in a semi comfortable position. A better design for the seats could include a small bracket right above the hammock that could be pulled down in order to support the feet if one wanted to prop the legs up against the chair infront.


  1. Using bike handles as hangers


I have seen a lot of people hanging their things like shopping bags on bike handles. The bags usually end up swinging on the handle or entangling with the brake wires. A better design could be include a collapsible crate that could be pulled out to support the weight of the bag, along with groove handles to hold the plastic bags handles in one place and prevent it from swinging.


  1. Rolling wires on devices

Most people these days own headphones and end up rolling them on the mp3, ipod or phone. This leads to wires becoming bent/breaking from the end and the device becoming a temporary wire roller. So I thought it would be nice, to have a detachable strip with a roller as shown in the image on which the wire can be rolled and stored safely.

mp3   wireWrapper



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