Piezo Lab
Description - Use a piezo to make a speaker / 'theremin'.
Procedure. Connect piezo to arduino from a digital output to ground. Connect a resistive sensor to and analogPin with a basic voltage divider circuit. Map analog input to tone output for the piezo.
For a research prototype, I want to get the feeling of drawing water through a syringe, as well as the semantic of "extracting" and "injecting". For this homework assignment, I wanted to get the sound of the syringe linked to mechanical movement of a syringe pipe.
Styrofoam, LED, a linear pot, piezo, protoboard, Teensy.
I first began by sculpting out a form factor from styrofoam. Since eventually I want this to extract color from objects, I left the top cavity hollow so that I can calibrate the color sensor and artificially lighting it. The linear pot hooked on nicely to a long stem, although I am still unsure whether I want a knob to "extract" color, or whether I want the stem to move (similar to a stamp process).
I then hooked in the linear pot into an analog port, and an indicator led to a PWM port and linked their values. For the piezo values, I mapped it to a linear distribution over tones from 0Hz to 1900Hz. This gave the impression of drawing in and pushing out.
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