Midterm Project Proposal - Toothie

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Name: Hilfi Alkaff, Victor Tjhia, Albert Tjoeng
Title: Toothie


Project Proposoal: Toothie

Toothie is an electronic toothbrush that  helps children brush their teeth in the proper way so that all parts of their teeth can be cleaned.


Target User Group

Mainly children who just start to learn brushing their teeth themselves, aged 3 - 7.


Problem Description

Most children doesn’t know the proper way of brushing their teeth, leaving some parts uncleaned. This can result many problems over the years such as toothache, and parents wouldn’t like paying the dentist just because their were never be able to clean their teeth properly.



Toothie is an electronic toothbrush that can detect its own movement orientation. We are going to display (on screen) a simulated picture of their teeth, assuming all parts uncleaned. After using the toothbrush in certain parts, we will detect which part of the teeth has been cleaned and change the picture to make the teeth look clean.
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