Lab 4: Helicopter game!

Processing code

Modified code based on source from 


import processing.serial.*;
boolean OUT_OF_BOUNDS = false;
final int w = 1000;   // Width of the window
final int h = 400;   // Height of the window
// Floor and ceiling lines
final int lineLength = w;      // One value per pixel
int[] upperLine = new int[w];  // Line for ceiling
int[] lowerLine = new int[w];  // Line for floor
// Helicopter
PImage chopper;      // Kickass chopper sprite
int chopperX = w/2;   // X position of helicopter
int chopperY = 80;   // Y position of helicopter
Serial port;  // Create object from Serial class
int pValue = 0;          // Value of SoftPot
int previousPValue = 0;  // Previous potValue for comparison
void setup() {
  // Load the helicopter sprite
  chopper = loadImage("chopper.png");
  // Generate a new terrain
  for(int i=0; i<lineLength; i++)
  String portName = "COM3";
  port = new Serial(this, portName, 57600);
void draw() {
  if( OUT_OF_BOUNDS )  background(255,0,0);
  else                 background(0);
  drawTerrain();    // Draw the terrain
  shiftTerrain();   // Move the terrain to the left
  // Draw the helicopter
  image(chopper, chopperX, chopperY);
  // Check that the chopper is between the lines
  if( (chopperY+25 > lowerLine[chopperX+48]) || (chopperY < upperLine[chopperX+48]) )
    OUT_OF_BOUNDS = true;
    OUT_OF_BOUNDS = false;
  chopperY = pValue;
// Shifts the entire terrain to the left, adds new entry to right
void shiftTerrain() {
  // Shift the lines to the left one entry
  for(int i=0; i<lineLength-1; i++) {
    upperLine[i] = upperLine[i+1];
    lowerLine[i] = lowerLine[i+1];
  // Add a new entry at the end of each line (note the +=)
  upperLine[lineLength-1] += (int) random(-3,3);
  lowerLine[lineLength-1] += (int) random(-3,3);
  // Position the lines on the screen
  upperLine[lineLength-1] = constrain(upperLine[lineLength-1],50,95);
  lowerLine[lineLength-1] = constrain(lowerLine[lineLength-1],125,155);
// Renders the terrain
void drawTerrain() {
  // Draw the ceiling and floor
  for(int i=0; i<lineLength-2; i++) {
    // Draw vertical lines (blue)
    line(i,upperLine[i], i, 0);
    line(i,lowerLine[i], i, h);
    // Draw white border
    line(i, upperLine[i], i+1, upperLine[i+1]);
    line(i, lowerLine[i], i+1, lowerLine[i+1]);
void serialEvent(Serial port)
  pValue = (int)map(float(port.readStringUntil('\n')), 0, 1775, 40, 60);


Arduino code


 * force sensor with smooth sampling
 * modified version of AnalogInput
 * by DojoDave <>
# define SAMPLES 10
int potPin = 0;   // input pin for the FSR
int ledPin = 11;   // the pin for the LED
void setup() {
void loop() {
  int val = 0; // variable to store the value coming from the sensor
  for(int i=0; i<SAMPLES; i++) {
    val += analogRead(potPin);
  val = map(val/SAMPLES, 0, 1024, 0, 255);
  analogWrite(ledPin, val); // analogWrite can be between 0-1024*SAMPLES
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