The Rainbow-Strobe

martin.kiechle's picture

 * The Rainbow-Strobe
 * Using the three potentiometers it is possible to
 * 1. change the color in the rainbow spectrum (red-orange-yellow-green-blue-purple-red)
 * 2. modify the brightness
 * 3. control the strobe effect
 * Theory and Practise of Tangible User Interfaces
 * Lab Assignment 3
 * Martin Kiechle
 * 9/20/2011

 * variables and allocations
// potentiometer pins
int pot1Pin = 0;   
int pot2Pin = 1;
int pot3Pin = 2;    

// input variables
int pot1Val = 0;   // variable to store the value coming from pot 1
int pot2Val = 0;   // variable to store the value coming from pot 2
int pot3Val = 0;

// LED pins
int led1Pin = 9;   
int led2Pin = 10;
int led3Pin = 11;

// HSV variables
float hue, val;

// RGB variables
int r, g, b;

// debug variable
int DEBUG = 0;

void setup() {
   pinMode(led1Pin, OUTPUT);
   pinMode(led2Pin, OUTPUT);
   pinMode(led3Pin, OUTPUT);

void loop() {
   // read analog values from potentiometers
   pot1Val = analogRead(pot1Pin);
   pot2Val = analogRead(pot2Pin);
   pot3Val = analogRead(pot3Pin);
   // scale down values for HSV color space
   hue = (float)pot1Val * 0.3515625;    // color in spectrum => HSV_hue
   val = (float)pot2Val / 1024;         // brightness => HSV_value
   // HSV to RGB color space conversion
   HSVtoRGB(&r, &g, &b, hue, val);
   // deub information
     Serial.print("Hue: ");
     Serial.println(hue, DEC);
     Serial.print("Val: ");
     Serial.println(val, DEC);
     Serial.print("Strobe: ");
     Serial.println(pot3Val, DEC);
     Serial.print("R: ");
     Serial.println(r, DEC);
     Serial.print("G: ");
     Serial.println(g, DEC);
     Serial.print("B: ");
     Serial.println(b, DEC);
   // write the RGB values to PWM outputs
   analogWrite(led1Pin, r);
   analogWrite(led2Pin, g);
   analogWrite(led3Pin, b);
   // delay program execution to create strobe effect
   // turn off all PWM outputs
   analogWrite(led1Pin, 0);
   analogWrite(led2Pin, 0);
   analogWrite(led3Pin, 0);   

   // second program delay before switching LEDs back on   

// color space conversion HSV to RGB -->
void HSVtoRGB(int *R, int *G, int *B, float h, float val){
   float s=1;
   float v=val;
   float r,g,b;            
   int i;
   float f, p, q, t;
   if( s == 0 )
      r = g = b = v;
   h /= 60;
   i = floor( h );
   f = h - i;            
   p = v * ( 1 - s );
   q = v * ( 1 - s * f );
   t = v * ( 1 - s * ( 1 - f ) );
  switch( i ){
    case 0: r = v; g = t; b = p; break;    
    case 1: r = q; g = v; b = p; break;        
    case 2: r = p; g = v; b = t; break;                
    case 3: r = p; g = q; b = v; break;            
    case 4: r = t; g = p; b = v; break;
    default: r = v; g = p; b = q; break;                    
   *R = r * 255;
   *G = g * 255;
   *B = b * 255;        

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