Cult Music Machine

ldevendorf's picture


  • Laura
  • Kiera
  • Hilfi
  • John
  • Ram


  • 1 Arduino Uno
  • 5 Force Sensitive Resistors
  • 1 Proximity Sensor


We created a music instrument that generates tones based on holding hands.  Our group, each equipped with a sensor glove, holds hands in a circle.  In harmonic mode, each hand hold represents a note, the strength of the hold controls the volume and the radius of the circle controls pitch. In sequence mode, each hand hold represents a note in a sequence.  The strength of the hold represents the note and the radius of the circle controls the frequency of the beats.  We call it the cult music machine because the hand holding feels and sound generated sounds a bit cultish.


All Code was written in PureData (the free software version of MaxMSP) and interfaces through the PDuino, Arduino to PureData library.  Image of code are attached.

Sequencer Code
PDuino Components
Harmonic Code
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