Albert Tjoeng - Lab3, Potientiometer
ATJ: 09-14-2011
description: use two pots to ontrol the LED. I use one pot to control the brightness,
the other pot is to control how fast it blink. the blinking is bounded
from 0 second delay to 2 second delay.
int pwmPins[] = {11, 6, 5};
int potPinBright = 5;
int potPinBlink = 4;
int valBright = 0 ;
int valBlink = 0 ;
void setup() // run once, when the sketch starts
for (int i = 0; i<=2; i++){
pinMode (pwmPins[i], OUTPUT);
void loop() // run over and over again
valBright = analogRead(potPinBright);
valBright = map(valBright, 1, 1022, 0, 255);
valBlink = analogRead(potPinBlink);
valBlink = map(valBlink, 1, 1022, 1, 2000);
for (int i = 0; i<=2; i++){
analogWrite(pwmPins[i], valBright);
if (valBlink > 5){ // if the blink is too fast, just keep it on.
for (int i = 0; i<=2; i++){
analogWrite(pwmPins[i], LOW);