Assignment 4 Grades
I was rather disappointed by the low quality of documentation in all but a handfull of reports. In most cases the descriptions were short and lacking in details, and queries, reports, etc. lacked any explanations what so ever. I did not use this as a basis of grading per se, but many people lost points because poor documentation left me uncertain about their progress on the project.
Instead, I graded the assignment as a whole on four different dimensions, looking for evidence of progress towards the final deliverable. I assigned up to 25 points for each of the following categories:
Problem statement and use cases. Does it seem that you have a clear problem in mind and have thought through specific ways the database will be used? (Most people got all 25 points, though really most could have done a better job.)
Database Design. Does the database design make sense given the problem? (Typically 25 points if the desing is fine and 20 points if there are local issues.)
Database Implementation. Have sufficient progress been made in implementing the database? (Typically 25 points if your queries convince me that your database is working and 20 points if they don't quite.)
User Interaction. Is there a reasonably plan about how the users will use the database? E.g., is there recognition of the fact the user cannot be expected to remember IDs of different entities? (Typically 20 or 25 points.)
Grade distribution
Grade | Freq (# of projects) |
100 | 2 |
95 | 3 |
90 | 3 |
85 | 2 |
60 | 1 |
(Four of the projects are done by two people, two projects are not yet graded.)