I 256: Applied Natural Language Processing |
Course Information
Final Projects
Due dates: Write-up Due by end of day Thursday Dec 10 -- NOTE: this is a hard deadline! The write-up should be maximum 6 pages long and contain the following sections:
The goal of the write-up is two-fold; explain the problem and your approach and give enough of the important information to allow some else to reproduce your experiments. I hope you read some related work on the topic of your project; if you did, please include that in the write up, explaining similarity and differences. In the results session, if appropriate, remember to include some baselines (chance and/or the accuracy of always choosing the most frequent class). If you decide to make the data available, put the link. If you need extra space for details/visualization of results, references, tables etc. you can add an appendix (but the paper should still readable/understandable in six pages) (NOT required, but if you want to be really NLP-professional, you can use the Formatting Guidelines of the ACL proceedings and use the the style files -- Word and LaTeX-- that can be found here http://www.naaclhlt2009.org; this conference is a great starting point for related work hunt... Have a look at some of the papers to get a sense of how NLP work is typically described ) Send your final project description to Barbara and Gopal as LastNameOfstudent1_LastNameOfstudent2_project_final(.doc|.pdf|.html|.whatever) with "i256 final project write-up" in the subject line
Class Presentations Send the presentation to Barbara and Gopal as LastNameOfstudent1_LastNameOfstudent2_project_final_presentation(.ppt|.pdf|.whatever) with "i256 final project presentation" in the subject line Due by 12 pm on the morning of your presentation (see schedule) You'll have 10 minutes for your presentation We'll want to hear about:
Project on the course site I would like to make your projects available from the course website (unless you have some objections to this, in which case let me know: it's an opt-out). If I don't hear from you, I'll post the write-ups. If you would like to have the ppt or a specially prepared html file instead, let me know and send that along on Dec 10.
Tue Dec 1
Thu Dec 3