SIMS 255: Lab 8
November 13, 2003
Regular Expressions
In today's lab we will install regular expression plugins for Eclipse. (NOTE:
This plugin is only for Windows)
- First make sure that the plugin is not already installed on your machine.
Do steps 6 & 7. If there is nothing under the "Other" folder,
then continue with the lab. Otherwise, if the plugin is already installed,
try out the example (step 9).
- Download the plugin
to your desktop.
- Open the file and extract everything to your desktop. This should create
a folder named "eclipse." Inside this folder should be another folder
- Copy the contents of the "plugins" folder to C:\Program Files\eclipse\plugins.
- Close Eclipse. (So that the changes will take effect)
- Open up Eclipse. Go to Window > Show View > Other...
- This will open up the "Show View" window. Expand the "Other"
- Choose RegexTester. Click OK.
- Try out this example:
NF,JM -- last modified 11/13/03