SIMS 255: Lab 4
Thursday, September 25, 2003
Create a new project
Open Eclipse from the start menu > programs > software development
Choose File > New > Project
Choose Java Project, Give it a name and click finish
Get the java file called Click on the following URL, and choose to save the file when prompted. Save the file to your desktop:
Switch to Eclipse, Right click on your newly created project folder and choose File > Import.
Select File System and click Next.
Click on Browse and then on Desktop and click ok. should now appear in the right window. Select it and click Finish.
Open the file and you will see all the comments formatted to work with javadoc.
Set up Javadoc (You will only have to do this part the first time you use javadoc)
Choose Window > Preferences
Click on Java in the left window to expand it and then select Javadoc
Paste the following into the Javadoc command box: C:\Program Files\jdk\bin\javadoc.exe and click ok
Run Javadoc
Choose File > Export
Select Javadoc and click next
Select your newly created project - make sure only one project is selected.
Make sure that "Use Standard Doclet" is selected and that the Destination
box contains: h:\eclipse\workspace\*YourProjectName*\doc and click Finish.
When it prompts you to save that destination as the default for that project, click yes.
You will see some output in your console window as the javadoc is generated.
Navigate to the folder on your desktop (h:\eclipse\workspace\*YourProjectName*\doc), find the file called Frog.html and open it.
NF JM -- last modified 9/25/03