
Dec 15 2004

Solutions to exam 2 are available here.

Dec 7 2004

The solutions to last year's exam is available here.

Office hours for John on Dec 8 has been cancelled, as previously announced.

Happy Holidays!

Nov 23 2004

A copy of last year's exam is available for your perusal here.

On Nov 30, we will spend the first half of the meeting to wrap up the lecture on network economics. We will make the last portion of the meeting time available to students who wish to test out their project presentations and demos using the notebook computer that is set up at the lecturer's podium. You should upload any files you need for the test using the file upload utility described in the project submission page.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Nov 16 2004

Project presentations are scheduled for December 2 and 7. Project submission details and presentation schedules are posted on the project webpage.

Reminder: Homework 6 is due Nov 18. This will be the final homework assignment for the semester.

Reminder: Exam 2 is scheduled for December 9. It will be the same format as Exam 1.

Advance notice: John's regular office hours for December 8 is cancelled. Please get in touch with him early if you wish to speak with him before the exam.

Oct 26 2004

Solutions to exam 1 are available here.

Oct 10 2004

1. The solutions to last year's exam is available here.

2. For the Oct 12 (Tuesday) lecture on P2P networks, please skim the following two papers:

3. Reminder: project proposal is due Oct 12. Please submit your proposal via email to

Sep 30 2004

A copy of last year's exam is available for your perusal here.

Aug 17 2004

Welcome to IS250. Please check this page regularly for course announcements.

1. The first class meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, August 31, 3:30pm, in South Hall Room 202.

2. The required textbook for this course is: Douglas Comer, Computer Networks and Internets, 4th Edition.

Important Note: The campus bookstore is selling the Comer book with the companion lab book "Comer, Hands-on Networking with Internet Applications, Second edition, 2004" as a bundle. While the companion book is not required for the course, you are welcome to get the bundle since the lab book is included at no extra charge. (Well, this is what the publisher told me...) If you decide to purchase the textbook elsewhere, you don't have to purchase the lab book.

3. The tentative schedule is posted on the course website. You can begin to prepare for the course by reviewing the IS206 lecture materials on networking and reading the first few chapters of the textbook.

4. Subscribe to the is250 mailing list by sending email to and include "subscribe is250" as the first line of your message. (You can leave the subject line blank.) If you are a SIMS student, you can also do so via my.sims.

5. I received the following message last year regarding MOT requirements, and I assume it is still true this year. Please contact Susan if you have any questions.

From: Susan Reneau, Student Affairs Officer of the MOT (Management of Technology) program
Haas office (new): F477, 643-1398
Engineering office: 230 Bechtel, 642-8790
1) Students taking a class towards the MOT certificate, must take it for a grade, not pass/fail.
2) They must receive a B or above.
3) All students going for the MOT certificate should refer to the MOT website ( It has detailed information about the certificate and the classes.
Also, since this course is cross-listed in three schools (SIMS, Haas, Engineering), students should make sure that they are not registered using another college's CCN, even though Telebears will allow it. This can cause double registration and much hassle.