SIMS 247 Student Questionnaire

Please turn in a hardcopy or e-mail plain text (ASCII) to: hearst@sims.

  1. What are you interested in taking away from this course?

  2. What, if any, software packages have you used for creating images or graphs?   How well do you know these?

  3. Which, if any, new software packages or programming languages would you like to learn, either in this course, or at some  point in time?

  4. Please describe your comfort level with respect to using computer scripting languages (like TCL, Javascript, etc.) and high-level programming languages (like C, C++, Java).

  5.  Please describe what, if any, background you have in statistical graph analysis (e.g, plotting data from experiments, basic statistical analysis, using software packages like Mathematica).

  6. Please describe what, if any, background you have in graphic arts or fine arts.

  7. If you have a particular problem or project you would like to design and build a visualization for, please describe that here.  Otherwise, skip this question and answer the following two.  (Or answer all three if you like.)

  8. What kind of design project would you like to do for the course midterm project?

  9. What kind of implementation/evaluation would you like to do for the course final project?

  10. Please add any other comments about course content, structure, etc.