Assignment 1
Due Jan 28.Bring an example of a use of visualization that clarifies, explains, or reveals useful information that was not otherwise evident. Write a paragraph saying how it uses visualization to do so. Try not to do something really standard such as:
- Financial line graphs
- Musical notation
- Straight-forward illustration
Try to find a good example of using infoviz, not a bad one. Potential sources: Web sites, popular science magazines, newspapers.
- Egon Pasztor,
The Secret Lives of Numbers by Golan Levin
Real-time related-concepts network creation from Web query results (try it with "UC Berkeley")
Faster-than-light pulse program - Ashley Tan, MapNet
- Vijay Viswanathan, Visual Thesaurus
- Anita Wilhelm, Electoral College Strategy Map, John Edwards Policy Speech Map
- Sean Savage, USPS Zip Codes
- Jeffrey Heer, Rand McNally Histomap of World History
- Yvonne Liao, Citizen Atlas
- Kristine Gual, LifeLines
- Amy Todenhagen, Social Circles Mailing List Visualization
- Rebecca Shapley, Java Visualization of Friendster External commentary
- Kari Holmquist, Frequency Spectrum Chart (A 2002 Infoviz class project that attempted to improve this.)
- Margaret Spring, Morningstar Investments ToolsRadar
- Jon Snydal, Voting Data with Geographic Maps and Cartograms
- Maria Lawrence, Interactive Human Anatomy Tools, including Organ Puzzle, Nervous System Puzzle, Senses Challenge
- Lauren Wilkinson, UC-Wise Website for Online Education
- Kim Chambers, PeopleGarden project, visualization of data portraits
- Erick Herrarte, Bluenile Build your own diamond ring tool (first select a shape)
- Zhanna Shamis, Kartoo meta search engine (try searching on "Ikea")
- Kevin Li, Fisheye Views in PDA Calendar Applications
- Simon King, Visualizing Relationships between Musical Artists
- Melanie Feinberg, Association Map by Lauren Doyle from the early 1960's
- Shahar Moaz, Interactive Karnaugh Maps
- Tu Tran, Timeline of the Universe, from Scientific American
- Picasso Bhowmik, Bizrate Method for Revealing Purchasing Options
- Arthur Law, Hercules transport aircraft engine display
Assignment 2
Due Feb 4.In two or three paragraphs, analyze one of the visualizations brought in by another student last week in terms of:
- Its usage of color
- Its display of nominal vs. ordinal vs. interval attributes.
Using the principles discussed this week in lecture and in the Ware chapters, explain how the principles are applied (or not applied) by the visualization. If principles are violated, describe whether or not this seemed to be a justified exception.
Assignment 3
Due March 3.Assignment 4
Due March 31.Running Assignment
Form a team and choose one of the topics for weeks 8-11. Find examples of, read papers about, and write up an analysis of the subject matter. Assign up to 2 readings for the class in advance. Devise an in-class presentation on the topic including an in-class design or analysis exercise.