Revised Project Proposals
Current Project Proposals
Submit Project Proposal Revision Here
There are several different kinds of successful projects for this
class. These include but are not limited to:
- Inventing a new visualization that has the
potential to solve a problem or show a dataset in a new and meaningful
- Creating an interface that produces better understanding of a
dataset for a particular set of users and purposes, via an existing
visualization paradigm
- Creating tools or doing an analysis that advances the field of information
visualization in some manner.
I am concerned that some groups will be spending a lot of their time
gathering real data. But if you spend lots of time on this, you
won't have much time for the rest, and certainly won't get ot
implementation, which then means you'll probably not use the real data
anyhow. This is not to say you shouldn't use real data, but if you
need to do lots of implementation then you should have the data
available by the week of Oct 31. On the other hand, if you are using
ready-made tools you should certainly be using real data.
I hope by filling out the time table below, you will develop a
realistic schedule.
Revise your project proposal and submit via the online form. This
description should include:
- Name(s) of student(s) involved
- Project goals
- Who are the target users
- What are the tasks the visualization is intended
to support?
- A sketch or description of what kinds of
visualizations you will be exploring, and how this
should help with the target users with their tasks.
- A timetable or gantt chart, showing how much time will
be devoted to each of the following, and which project
members will do each part (not every project needs to
do every item):
- Gathering and cleaning data
- Reviewing literature
- Interviewing target users and doing task analysis
- Prototyping visualization ideas
- Assessing prototypes by showing them to users
- Implementing interface
- Evaluating with users
- Anything else relevant
- Class presentation preparation
- Writeup
- Oct 31: Revised project proposals due
- Oct 31 and Nov 2: Students discuss project goals in class
(not graded)
- Nov 30, Dec 5 and Dec 7: Students present final projects in class
- Dec 13: Writeups due.
- Preliminary project description submitted on time (5%)
- Finalized project description submitted on time (5%)
- Class presentation of project results (must fit within
designated time limits which are TBA) (15%)
- Quality of writeup of results (25%)
- Quality of actual project (50%)