Professor Marc Davis
MW 3:30 pm - 5:00 pm
110 South Hall

Course Description:

The SIMS “Multimedia Information” class will be an introduction to the past, present, and future of the theory and practice of multimedia information systems. We will explore the concepts and methods of the multimedia production cycle comprising the creation, description, retrieval, editing, management, distribution, and reuse of digital media. Students will gain theoretical background and practical experience to help them design, innovate, critique, and assess digital multimedia information systems.

The course will be divided into three parts:

(1) Past. This part is concerned with the history and theory of digital multimedia production. Brief excursions into semiotics, film and media theory, the history and theory of computation, and computational media theory will provide the underlying basis for the discussion and evaluation of state-of-the-art systems and concepts, while introductions to video and audio production practice will give insight into theoretical concepts as well as current production processes. Students will apply their theoretical knowledge in two hands-on assignments.

(2) Present. This part surveys current commercial and academic research systems for media production, editing, annotation, retrieval, and reuse. Among other things, we will investigate automated media analysis and media asset management as well as current media standards.

(3) Future. We will look into the future of digital multimedia information systems including systems that automate and integrate many aspects of digital media production and reuse. We will discuss and design new concepts as well as next-generation multimedia information systems and prototypes. Students will work on and present final projects improving an existing system or designing a new component for a digital multimedia information system.

The final project design specifications produced at the end of IS246 will form the basis of a Spring 2004 follow on studio/project/seminar course "Digital Media Design Studio" in which students will build, critique, and iterate the projects they began in IS246 as well as discuss related advanced texts in multimedia.


20% Theory Application Assignment
20% Mini Media Production Project
40% Final Project
20% Class Participation

3 hours of lecture/seminar per week. No midterm or final.


InfoSys 202, InfoSys 204 or consent of instructor.

No prior media production experience required. Enrollment limited to 25 students.


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