School of Information Management & Systems.
Spring 2003.
245 Organization of Information in Collections.
Michael Buckland.
Assignment 3: Describe Four Books.
Due at class on Feb 5.
Describe your choice of any four of the following books which
will be placed in the Computer Lab.
Illustrations for Children.
Romanian Rugs.
Tao Te Ching.
Thirteenth Century.
Vincent van Gogh.
The Works of "Saki".
Forget or disregard anything you knew or imagined about cataloging rules
or metadata standards. Don't ask for advice or for anyone else's opinion.
For each of your four books, you choose which features
of the books you will
describe and you should describe them however you wish to.
Do it your way!
Supply on paper, using the following format: On the left,
specify the feature (attribute) and on the right supply
your description, followed by a brief explanation of why you think
that feature (attribute) worth describing and (unless obvious) why you
chose to describe it that way.
Format: Please use a format with the following components:
Feature ("Attribute"): Year.
Description ("Value"): 1668.
Explanation, comment (if needed): Julian calendar.
Postscript: Use, for each book, whatever features YOU
think appropriate for
that book. YOUR PERSONAL choice of features, not what you imagine my
choices would be, nor the choices in any standard set of rules.
This is an ungraded assignment. All you have to do is to bring
what you have done to class and hand in what you have done. It would
surprise me if everyone made the same decisions. The objective is get you
thinking about what the options are and to provide a basis for some
informal class discussion about describing documents, BEFORE worrying
about what different official standards prescribe.
Keep any notes you make, as they are likely to be helpful in a later