School of Information Management & Systems. Spring 2002.
245 Organization of Information in Collections. M. Buckland.


Topical access to Birth Control; Evolving treatment of Paganism in Library of Congress Subject Headings; Framing abortion with hierarchies and assumptions; Topical access to Geographical Information Systems; U.S. Army Knowledge Management Program: An LIS perspective; Topical access: Social drinking; Website search tools and website information access.

He or She? About Sexual Identity [Homosexuality in LCSH];   Domestic violence: LCSH, National Criminal Justice Thesaurus,;   Lesbianism: From Invisibility to Acceptability in the LCSH;   Gender Differences in Topical Access to Mental Health and Mental Illness;   Taiwan History and the Taiwanese;   Abortion;   Attention Deficit / Hyperactivity Disorder.

Nuclear weapons;   Union bug in cataloging;   Population control;   China;   War crimes;   Historical events;   Java programming language;   Environmental informatics;   Access system for a family law legal website for non-lawyers;   East-West dialog and Yoga terminology;   Music from African American traditions;   In search of the spinster: Single women and related terms;   The German Question;   The gardening industry;   Miskito language materials in MELVYL;   Mental retardation;   Treatment of languages in Dewey Decimal Classification 400s;   Divorce and single parents: LCSH and Basic Subject headings (Japan LA);   Homelessness in MELVYL and Dewey;   Tattoos and body piercing;   Rape.

PREDECESSOR COURSE LIS 210 FALL 1992: Historical Sketch of Racist Terminology;   Alcoholism;   Subject Access guide for a Riding Stable Library;   Ivory Tower on Native Americans;   Civil Rights Movement.

210 FALL 1991
PC in the LCC;   "Atomic" and "Nuclear" in LCSH;   Computer literacy;   Computer software: LCC, LCSH.;   Computers;   Electronic publishing;   Environmental engineering;   Hispanic(s), Chicano(s), Mexican [-]American(s);   Human sexuality;   Offspring of interracial unions;   Philippines: Commentary on 3,298 LCSH headings in GLADIS;   "Race" and "Racism";   Sexual harassment;   Women in Reader's Guide;   Child Abuse and Neglect;   Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation;   Women's shelter library.