School of Information Management & Systems.
Spring 2001.
245 Organization of Information in Collections.
Michael Buckland.
Take This Course?
Organizing information in purposeful ways is the most central concern
of the Information Manager. That is why all SIMS Masters' students
should extend what they learned in
202 Information
Organization and Retrieval by taking 245 Organization of
Information in Collections. With the consent of the instructor,
245 can be taken without 202 as a prerequisite.
As the enabling technologies (paper, card, printing, microform,
digital computers, telecommunications) evolve, the constraints on
what is economically feasible has changed in interesting ways and
will continue to change during one's professional career. But the
principles and problems of creating and arranging descriptions and
of data, documents, and other potentially signifying objects
are substantially
independent of the technologies used to implement them.
And if you deal with more than one
information object, then you have a collection.
Management skills, programming skills, an understanding of societal
and policy issues, and other elements in the SIMS curriculum are all
important, but organizing information for specific purposes
is a curricular ingredient that you are not likely to pick up from
other departments.
245 also provides the basis for Ph.d field
Field 2: Organization and representation of information and is directly
relevant to Field 5: Information retrieval.
245 is designed to complement (and is scheduled in conjunction with)
Principles of Information Retrieval, which focuses on algorithms
and procedures for finding what has be described and organized.
Classification and Bibliographic Representation provides
a technical introduction to library cataloging and classification
those who want more depth in
library cataloging and classification.
can be taken
without 245, but is
designed to be a supplement to 245, to be taken concurrently or
after 245.