School of Information Management & Systems. Spring 2000.
Organization of Information in Collections.
Michael Buckland
Read by class time on date specified.
Arlene Taylor. The Organization of Information.
Libraries Unlimited, 1999. Paperback $36 approx.
MAIN Graduate Services Reserve Z666.5.T39 1999
Chaps 1-3 & 7 by 2/28.
REQUIRED READINGS: Copy of each in Big Black Binder.
Jan 31: Buckland & Plaunt:
the construction of selection systems.
Library Hi Tech 12, no. 4 (1994): 15-28.
Feb 2: Buckland
is a document? JASIS 48 (1997) 804-809.
Feb 21: David Batty.
WWW ---
Wealth, Weariness or Waste:
Controlled vocabulary and thesauri in support of online information
access. D-Lib Magazine
November 1998.
Feb 23: Buckland, Michael.
The Purposes
of Collections.
Mar 1: Morville, Peter.
a synonymous
search index
Mar 1: Morville, Peter
Do You Build a
RECOMMENDED READINGS: Copy of each in Big Black Binder.
Feb 2: Buckland
Information as Thing JASIS 42 (1991):
Mar 13: Buckland. Searches in a
Mar 20: Buckland.
Filtering, and the First Few
American Society of Indexer's website
Berman, Sanford. Prejudices and antipathies: a tract on the LC subject
headings concerning people.
Metuchen, N.J. : Scarecrow Press, 1971.
Z695.U36 B45
Dublin Core
Metadata Element Set, Version 1.1: Reference Description.
Mills, Jack. A Modern Outline of Library Classification. London: Chapman & Hall, 1964. Excellent introduction even though outdated on details.
Wynar, Bohdan S. Introduction to cataloging and classification.
8th edition. Edited by Arlene G. Taylor.
Littleton, Colo.: Libraries Unlimited, 1992. Basic text for library cataloging.
Z693.W94 1992
OTHER -- This list is out-of-date and will be replaced / updated.
Aluri, Rao. Subject analysis in online catalogs.
Englewood, Colorado: Libraries Unlimited, 1991.
Z699.35.S92 A46 1991.
Austin, Derek and Dykstra, Mary. PRECIS: a manual of concept analysis
and subject indexing. London:
Bibliographic Services Division, BL, 1984.
Z695.92.A86 1984.
Bengston, Betty G. and Janet Swan Hill, eds. Classification of library materials: a current and future potential
for providing access. New York: Neal-Schuman Publishers, 1990.
Z696.A4 C69 1990.
David C. Blair.
Will it Scale up?
Thoughts About Intellectual Access in the Electronic
Networks. ARL-AAUP Symposium Scholarly Publishing on
the Electronic Networks, 1993.
Borko, Harold and Bernier, Charles L. Indexing Concepts and Methods.
Z 695.9 B653
Bryant, Philip. Keyword Catalogues and the Free Index Approach.
Z 695 K49 1985
Carpenter, Michael and Elaine Svenonius, eds. Foundations of cataloging:
a sourcebook. Littleton, Colo.:
Libraries Unlimited, 1985.
Z693.F681 1985.
Chan, Lois Mai. Cataloging and classification: an introduction. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1981.
Chan, Lois Mai. Library of Congress subject headings: principles and
applications. 2nd edition. Littleton, Colo.:
Libraries Unlimited, 1986.
Z695.C521 1986.
Chan, Lois Mai. Library of Congress subject headings: principles of
structure and application. Annotated
version. Washington, D.C.: Cataloging Distribution Service,
Library of Congress, 1991.
Z695.Z8 L5228 1990 REFERENCE.
Chan, Lois Mai, Phyllis A. Richmond and Elaine Svenonius, eds.
Theory of subject analysis: a sourcebook.
Littleton, Colo.: Libraries Unlimited, 1985.
Z695.T4851 1985.
Clack, Doris H. Authority control: principles, applications, and
instructions. Chicago: ALA, 1990.
Z693.3A88 1990.
Cochrane, Pauline Atherton. Redesign of Catalogs and Indexes for
Improved Online Subject Access: Selected
Papers of Pauline A. Cochrane.
Z 695 C6471 1985
Crawford, Walt. MARC for library use: understanding the USMARC
formats. White Plains, N.Y.: Knowledge
Industry Publications, 1989.
Z699.4.M2.C721 1989.
Dykstra, Mary. PRECIS: a primer. Revised reprint. Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow Press, 1987.
Z695.915.P73.D91 1987.
Foskett, A. C. The Subject Approach to Information. Fourth Edition. Hamden, Connecticut: Linnet Books,
Hagler, Ronald. The bibliographic record and information technology.
Chicago: ALA, 1991
Z699.35.M28 H34 1991
Hildreth, Charles. The online catalogue: developments and directions.
London: Library Association, 1989.
Z699.22.055 1989.
Immroth, John P. Immroth's guide to the Library of Congress
classification. 4th edition. Edited by Lois Mai
Chan. Littleton, Colo.: Libraries Unlimited, 1990.
Z696.U4 C47 1990.
Lancaster, F. Wilfred. Indexing and abstracting in theory and practice.
Champaign, Illinois: University of Illinois,
Z695.9.L36 1991.
Lancaster, F. Wilfred. Vocabulary control for information retrieval.
2nd edition.Arlington, Virginia: Information
Resource Press, 1986.
Z699 L245 1986.
Leong, Carol L. H. Serials cataloging handbook: an illustrative guide
to the use of AACR 2 and LC rule
interpretations. Chicago: ALA, 1989.
Z695.7.L471 1989
Markey, Karen. Subject searching in library catalogs: before and after
the introduction of online catalogs.
Dublin, Ohio: OCLC, 1984.
Z95 M344 1984.
Osborn, Andrew D. Serial publications: their place and treatment
in libraries. 3rd edition. Chicago: ALA, 1980.
Rogers, JoAnn V. and Jerry D. Saye. Nonprint cataloging for multimedia
collections: a guide based on AACR2.
2nd edition. Littleton, Colo.: Libraries Unlimited, 1987.
Z695.66.R63 1987
Saffady, William. Introduction to automation for librarians.
2nd edition. 1989.
Z678.9.S251 1989.
Soergel, Dagobert. Indexing Languages and Thesaurii: Construction
and Maintenance. [DATE?] Z 695.9 S631
Svenonius, Elaine ed. The conceptual foundations of descriptive
cataloging. San Diego: Academic Press,
Z694.A15 C66 1989.