XPath Examples

Assignment 3 — XML Foundations Fall 2010

Assigned: Thursday, September 23rd, 2010
Due: Friday, October 1st, 2010


Come up with a least 5 mildly interesting things you would like to select in either your XML or iTunes XML, and write XPath expressions for evaluating those things.


In this assignment, your task is to identify at least 5 things you want to do with your XML (or feel free to use iTunes XML instead if you find it more interesting and/or challenging), and then you have to write the XPaths that will accomplish those tasks that you have identified. Be creative and make sure that you include an interesting mix of challenging location paths, some functions, and maybe even some mathematical expressions. When you decide to use iTunes XML, be aware that for bigger files, some expressions can take quite a while to evaluate in a tool such as XML Spy.

Please send a brief outline of what you have identified as interesting problems, along with the XML document you used and the XPaths, to dret@berkeley.edu. Please send plain text email with the XML document as an attachment. HTML emails will not be accepted.

Creative Commons License Please send comments to dret@berkeley.edu
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