A3. Group Assignment 1 - Project Concept/Charter


Now that you are acquainted with your groupmates, have seen samples of different service implementations and are learning about key concepts in service, it is time to think about a particular service system your group would be interested in designing. 

In your project Wiki (click on "Wiki" at the top of the page):

  1. Write a description of your project (maximum 300 words) that briefly discusses:

    1. the problem space (what service system you are trying to improve or what new service system you want to design and why)
    2. the domain / industry it belongs to
    3. your project concept (what your proposed solution to the problem space is, different constraints and opportunities in that area, etc) 
  2. Identify, classify and prioritize the different stakeholders of your project.  Use a framework for classifying stakeholders from the Stakeholders lecture (recall the classifications from lecture, Mitchell's taxonomy (power, legitimacy, urgency), O-i SD framework (principal, end-user, partner, insider), Alexander's Onion classification, and Sutcliffe's taxonomy).  Make sure to identify which stakeholders are in-scope and out-of-scope, as well as which ones could turn out to be negative stakeholders.  Finally, make sure you decide which stakeholder is the most important to define the point-of-view that your system will take.  

DON'T stress over this! Your project will evolve throughout the semester as you study the problem domain, points of view, and various design contexts. The purpose of this assignment is to get you to the starting line so there is a baseline to iterate from.