Office hours and getting help

There are a number of ways of getting help, and generally benefiting from interaction with your fellow students and with the instructors:

Physical office hours

The instructors will be available for questions at these times and places (unless announced otherwise on the announcement page):
David G. Messerschmitt (instructor): M 2:30-3:30pm and W 3:30-4:30pm, 517 Cory Hall

Hal Varian: TBA, 102 South Hall

Appointments at other times can be scheduled by sending email.

Online office hours

The instructors will participate in the course chatroom during the following hours:
David G. Messerschmitt: W 8-9pm

Hal Varian: TBA

Discussion forum

The discussion forum has a special room devoted to asking questions offline. Students are encouraged to respond to these questions, and the instructors will also frequently participate in this forum. This is generally better than sending email to the instructors or other students, because the subsequent answers and discussion are available for all students to see.

Chat room

You are encouraged to participate in the chat room for the course, where you can discuss issues about the course or the content in real time. It is expected that the chat room will be especially active in the evening.


You can also send email to the instructors with issues or questions, especially of a private nature.