The class will use WebCT, a Web-based instruction management application provided by the campus. This system is password protected, allowing us to post copyrighted material under fair use provisions, allows you to post materials (like project reports and presentations) for other instructors and students, and allows instructors to send you email.
To login to the course homepages, go to Create a WebCT account for yourself, and then find and subscribe to the course, listed there as IS224. If you are enrolled or waitlisted in the course, you should be able to subscribe to the course: both your User ID and password are equal to your Student ID (SID). You should change your password the first time you login.
Important notification about email forwarding: Your instructors (and possibly other students) will send you various notifications and announcements by email using the WebCT mail system. For example, WebCT makes it easy for the instructor or for you to send email to a project group all at once. It is recommended that you configure your WebCT account in this course to have this email forwarded to your regular email account, so that you don’t miss something important. This is easily done on the “Email” page using the “Manage Messages” option.