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 Weed-by-week= schedule   Topic ideas<= /font> 
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# Date Who Topic Readings befor= e class
1 27-Aug DGM Course introdu= ction  
2 29-Aug HRV Selling inform= ation Inforules: Cha= pters 1, 2 and 3
Software: Chapter 1, Sections 2.1 and 9.3
3 3-Sep DGM Hardware/softw= are, Moore's law Software: Sect= ions 2.2, 2.3
4 5-Sep DGM Software quali= ty Why Software i= s So Bad
Software: Chapter 3
5 10-Sep HRV Economies of s= cale Inforules: Cha= pter 7
Software: Sections 3.2 and 9.1, 9.2
6 12-Sep HRV IT and product= ivity Software: Sect= ion 3.1
7 17-Sep HRV Auctions  
8 19-Sep Outside Software deve= lopment Software: Sec= tion 4.1-3
9 24-Sep DGM    
10 26-Sep Eric Allman of Sendmail Open source s= oftware Software: Sec= tions 4.2.4, 8.2-3
11 1-Oct DGM    
12 3-Oct HRV Switching cos= ts Inforules: Ch= apter 5,6
Software: Section 9.1.3
13 8-Oct      
14 10-Oct      
15 15-Oct      
16 17-Oct Jayarami Redd= y of SUN Standardizati= on processes (Java)  
17 22-Oct      
18 24-Oct      
19 29-Oct      
20 31-Oct      
21 5-Nov      
22 7-Nov      
23 12-Nov DEBATE    
24 14-Nov DEBATE    
25 19-Nov      
26 21-Nov      
27 26-Nov DEBATE Online media<= /td>  
0 28-Nov HOLIDAY    
28 3-Dec DEBATE    
29 5-Dec DEBATE    
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Title Who? Description
Economies of sca= le HV Many IT industri= es exhibit significant economies of scale, which means, roughly, larger firms have a competitive advantage.  What are the sources of this competitive advantage on the demand s= ide, and the supply side, and how do they influence industry structure and corporate strategy?
Hardware and sof= tware complementarity DM What are the sca= ling laws for hardware underlying Moore's law? In any given implementation, ho= w do we trade off hardware vs. software? How does Moore's law underlie the expansion of the software industry? What happens to the software industry= if Moore's law came to a halt?
Selling informat= ion HV Review of basic = business models for pricing and selling information goods.
IT and productiv= ity HV What is producti= vity, how can it be measured, and what is its role at the level of the economy,= the industry, the firm, and with business processes?
Auctions HV Computer based communication has made it much easier and cheaper to conduct online aucti= ons and serveral successful businesses have been built around this model.  We will describe some of the the= ory and practice of auction design.
On-Line media Pau Grabowicz What is happenin= g with oneline media?  What's the s= tate of the online advertising market?  Are there success stories?
Multimedia Marc Davis What are business prospects in multimedia?  Wh= at can we expect to see developing in  this area?
Open source soft= ware Eric Allman of S= endmail What are some distinctive licensing terms and conditions? What does open source teach us about software development in a commercial context? How can open source be used as a competitive tool?
Software qualit= y DM Why is software= quality perceived to be so low? Is this a correct perception?What is needed to fix the problem: a different industry culture, different economic incentives, more product liability lawyers? Or is perhaps the industry just immature?=
Software develo= pment methodolgies Outside speaker= As software dev= elopment projects get more and more ambitious, how are processes and tools evolvin= g to meet this challenge? How can we get higher quality and more secure softwa= re?
Software distri= bution options DM There is an exp= ending list of software distribution options, including network download, remova= ble media, application service provider, and Web services, as well as differe= nt intermediate forms (native code, source code, scripting, and intermediate forms of object code). What are the business implications of all these options?
Peer-to-peer architecture DM What are the bu= siness opportunities and implications of the peer-to-peer distributed software m= odel as opposed to its more centralized options (client-server and Web service= s)?
Open systems DM What are the re= lative merits of open vs proprietary systems, from different perspectives (custo= mer, supplier, policy, legal, etc)?
Switching costs= HV Many technologi= es exhibit significant switching costs, so that once they are adopted, it is very hard to switch to an alternative.&n= bsp; What are the implications of switching costs for industry structure and corporate strategy?
Options compens= ation HV Options compens= ation is widely used in technology industries.&nb= sp; What are the theories and facts about options as incentive devices, and what underlies the current controversy about the accounting treatment= .
Security and pr= ivacy in the marketplace DM Does the market= place provide sufficient incentives for security and privacy? If not, what can = we do about it?
Distributed sys= tem management DM What are the so= urces of value in delivering working software to the end user? What are the challe= nges in dealing with distributed management of applications, and how do we deal with them? Are Web services a panacia?
Instructional management systems Fred Beshears of Berkeley ETS What are the tr= adeoffs between choosing a coodinated solution vs. local autonomy and innovation. Illustrates in one concrete case how content suppliers, software supplier= s, and end users respond to the need for commonality.
Industrial orga= nization and software architecture DM What is the relationship? Which is cause and which is effect? In practice what are the mechanisms by which software archtiectures involving multiple firms are determined?
Architectural c= ontrol DM How does a firm= gain control over a software arcitecture, and what advantages and challenges a= rise from that control? How should government policies interfere, if at all?
Telecom Greg Duncan How did we get = into this mess, and what are future prospects for the industry.
Politics in standardization Jayarami Reddy = of SUN What really hap= pens in standardization? How do firms game the system, how does standardization f= it in corporate strategy, how can standardization be used as a competitive t= ool?
Infrastructure = and application complementarity DM What is infrast= ructure, why is it important? How does the market handle the complementarity of infrastructure and applications?
Disruptive tech= nologies Steve Blumenfel= d of AOL Disruptive tech= nologies and why they are important to organizations, but also why they are disruptive. How does a firm launch new products and services with partner= s?
Software indust= ry structure DM What are the implications in moving industry structure from from stovepipes to layerin= g; from product to service?
Components Clemens Syzpers= ki of Microsoft Software indust= rial revolution: Why hasn’t the industrial revolution of software happen= ed? Will it in the future?
Components: from hardware and software to systems DM What is a compo= nent? How do hardware and software components differ? Why are components rarely thought of in systems, and should they?
Web services DM What are the te= chnical, quality, and legal issues surrounding Web services? What about trust and liability?
Investing in so= ftware DM What types of s= oftware are best pursued by a large firm, by a small boutique firm, by venture capture funding? What is the relationship between mechanisms for investme= nt and success, and how does this depend on the type of software?
Document engine= ering Bob Glusko How to reorgani= ze the flow of information in an organization.&= nbsp; Planning, practice, and productivity.
Strategic stand= ards setting HV Standards setti= ng is critically important in technology industries.  How does it affect the economic = forces at work, and what sorts of strategies are used?
Managing patent portfolios Peter Detkin of= the Intel How do patent portfolios fit into corporate strategy, and how does this differ across startups, small and large firms, hardware and software? What are the meri= ts of defensive and offensive strategies against competitors?
Trade secrets, = patents, and copyrights DM In what ways are intellectual property law failing to keep up with changing technologies? Similarly the business models of content and intellectual property suppli= ers? What should be done about this?
Research and th= e future DM What kinds of r= esearch can a firm support, and why? What is tech transfer? What will be the impa= ct of future developments in information appliances, pervasive computing, mobility, etc?
Dealing with pi= racy DM The content and software markets have taken very different directions to dealing with pir= acy. If a good is subject to piracy, what are the tradeoffs between policy, law enforcement, and business models?
Software and pr= otected speech DM Resolved: softw= are should be protected speech under the first amendment
Antitrust in so= ftware Carl Shapiro What are the is= sues in the Microsoft case, and how could or should they be resolved?
Privacy Allessandro Acq= uisti Privacy is both= a social policy problem and a business problem.  What policies and practices are necessary and appropriate?
Service provide= rs DM Telecom has traditionally depended on a service provider (supplier-customer intermediary), but this is only now becoming prominent in software. What = are the advantages and disadvantages to supplier and customer, how does this affect pricing strategies, etc.?
TCPA Debate What are the tr= adeoffs between the interests of content suppliers and platofrm suppliers? What a= re the implications for technology and content suppliers, and for makers of = open platforms and for information applicances?
Platofrms Debate Should the owne= r of a platform for new applications (in this case wireless cell phones) have the right to control what applications run on that platform? Another example = is unbundled digital subscriber loop. What are the downsides, and what are t= he possible problems if access is opened up?
Copy protection= Debate Resolved: Copy protection and watermarking technologies are effective if protected by anticircumvention laws, and there is no need for content suppliers to alt= er their business models
Telecommunicati= ons Debate Resolved: The telecommunications infrastructure in the U.S. is in serious trouble and n= eeds a government bailout.
Architectural c= ontrol Debate Resolved: Archi= tectural control is a market dominating strategy, and thus must be closely regulat= ed by the government.
Options compens= ation Debate Resolved: Accou= nting rules should be changed so that options are expensed.
Internet domain= s Debate Resolved: The t= op level domain space should be dramatically expanded.
Number portabii= lity Debate Resolved: Number portability should be mandated by the government.
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