Low-Fidelity Prototyping Script

1. Administer pre-test questionnaire

2. Describe the purpose of the observation.

3. Tell the user that it’s OK to quit any time.

4. Explain how to "think aloud."

5. Describe the task and introduce the product. 6. Explain that you will not provide help. 7. Ask if there are any questions before you start. 8. Have the participant sign the Informed Consent Form.

9. Start test using these task scenarios.

Scenario 1A -- You work as a project manager in a company. You are new to the knowledge management domain and want to find some general information about the subject. How would you go about finding information within the site? Feel free to explore the site in the process.

Our guess:

1B -- As you’re researching, a colleague passing by tells you that he’s heard that some guy named Nonaka is considered an expert in the field of knowledge management. He recommends reading some of the books and articles Nonaka has written. Find books/articles written by Nonaka.

Our guess:

Scenario 2 – You are a graduate student in the Business school working on a class project. A book briefly describing a branch of knowledge management called intellectual capital seems likely to have a lot of information for your project. Find information about intellectual capital. Feel free to explore the site in the process.

Our guess:

Scenario 3 -- You work as an information manager in a company. Your boss asks you to do a study and evaluation on the options and issues of developing KM systems. Find information on the existing systems, the companies behind the systems, etc..

Our guess:

10. Conclude the observation.