California Digital Library
#3. You are a faculty member in the History Department studying religious minorities in the 19th-century United States. You are currently working on a research paper about Jews in the American South during the Reconstruction period. It is important for you to stay up-to-date on related developments in your field, so you are using the CDL to look for recent related scholarly journal articles.
Scenario walkthrough:
User enters Home page. Clicks on the Browse collection option
in sidebar as in Scenario 1.
Enters Browse Sources by Source Type. Scans list of Electronic Journals source types. Clicks on History subdivision.
History tab expands to reveal the list of journals. One of which is American Jewish History. User then can click on the Services link in sidebar to reveal features such as Profile and Update offered by CDL.
Here the user can instruct the system to keep them up-to-date on their search topic.
end of scenario.