Low-Fidelity Prototyping - Appendices
Post-Test Questionnaire Results
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Participant #1
Given that our UI is in a rough design phase, what is your general impression of the User Interface presented to you today?
Better than the existing interface. Still limited to the content downstream however.
Briefly describe 3 specific things that you liked about the UI:
- I liked the search/browse page. It seemed to offer all the choices I'd want.
- Front Page clean, minimalist, easier to read. Collection v. services division is good.
Briefly describe 3 specific things that you disliked about the UI:
Not sure of 2 panes of search/browse page, how they related/compared. felt lost during searches. Unsure if this was a content (CDL) issue or my use of search interface
Compare this UI to the current homepage & search setup of the CDL site. Which site would you prefer to use for your research needs, and why?
(Specific notes were made on a photocopy of the screens.)
Participant #2
Given that our UI is in a rough design phase, what is your general impression of the User Interface presented to you today?
I did not really use it although the simulation of the floating extra infomation help tags was nice
Briefly describe 3 specific things that you liked about the UI:
help bubbles!
Briefly describe 3 specific things that you disliked about the UI:
Not enough information.
Compare this UI to the current homepage & search setup of the CDL site. Which site would you prefer to use for your research needs, and why?
Much better because it allows me to access more information on one page!
The new one is better but still not obvious.
PLUS--Specific notes were made on a photocopy of the screens.
Participant #3
Given that our UI is in a rough design phase, what is your general impression of the User Interface presented to you today?
This is my sole criticism of the UI (there are other problems with the data itself): I'm not sure why there is a site map & a "search or browse collections" page-they seem duplicative and unnecessary.
Briefly describe 3 specific things that you liked about the UI:
- ubiquity of Quick Search
- getting to other Dbs
- colors
Briefly describe 3 specific things that you disliked about the UI:
- the hierarchy [of] links after a search which were duplicative of the part of the hierarchy I was in
- how Melvyl presents all of the previous searches-not sure its necessary to see it with the newest search
- *all* the stuff on screen-just too much info.
Compare this UI to the current homepage & search setup of the CDL site. Which site would you prefer to use for your research needs, and why?
Homepage: I like the new one because I like having more link choices up front. Additionally, the columnar layout is a nice way to segment the offerings.
Search pages: I like elements of the current one and the new:
- I like having browse & search combined as the separation doesn't feel convenient.
- I prefer to have formats as a drop down box, given that I will often want to have a default to "all" & seeing all the choices looks crowded to me.
- I like help spelled out as "Help" as well as being able to see ( in a drop-down) what it contains w/out leaving the present page.
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