User comments by participant number 2 - potential jobseeker Main Page * "temporary hiring marketplace" - the user found this to be a confusing phrase - is this for contractors? seasonal laborers? * The user found the introductory paragraph on the main page to be wordy and overly long. Signup Page (choose employer or jobseeker) * "Be found for business opportunities" sounds stilted, and vaguely untrustworthy. * "Expand your network and meet other service professionals through people you know" makes it sound as though you are just connecting online with people you already know, and makes it sound as thought the user must already have a decent circle of contacts in order to make use of the system * "Find high-quality passive candidates quickly and easily" - the user found the term passive candidates to be awkward and uninformative. Jobseeker Signup Page * Why is "country" an option at signup? Is this an international implementation? * The user pointed out that there are many different levels and types of cook, suggesting more narrowly defined selections within that category, such as pastry chef, line cook, etc. * The start/end date fields were confusing to the user, who was uncertain as to whether this referred to the begin date of when they wanted their SkillShop membership to begin, when they were available to work, etc. * The user wanted the option of selecting their own security question. Signup Confirmation Page * The user did not immediately find the link to continue on to the SkillShop dashboard, and was not sure what they were supposed to do next from here. Find Job Page * Radius did not initially make sense to the user, but did after a moment or two. * The search included things that had already been filled out on the signup page. * The user suggested having a drop-down list of salary ranges ($12-$15, $15-$18). Job Search Results Page * The word "Timing" in the "Sort By:" drop-down menu was confusing, the user suggested the phrase "Shift Start Time" or similar.