Prototype Overview

Since this project is supposed to be a part of the Instructor portal of UCWISE, it does not have a home page. The overall page is divided into 4 sections: the navigation section at the top, the preview section in the left panel, the progress bar at the bottom, and the active display section at the center.
The metadata tagging tool prototype is divided into five main stages. The user can toggle between the different stages using the metadata tagging progress bar at the bottom of the page.

The following are the five stages:

1. Bookkeeping
Although bookkeeping is not the home page, it is the first page that the user sees in our project. Bookkeeping section is a part of the metadata tagging tool that allows the user to tag their curricula with basic metadata tags. Title indicates the title of the activity (e.g. recursion quiz). This page also provides the option for editing the existing template, switching to another template and creating a new template from scratch.
2. Cognitive learning
This page is used to tag the individual questions in an activity with cognitive learning metadata. The user can choose the metadata by clicking on the metadata in the cognitive learning spectrum at the center of the page. The page also displays the smaller units with in an activity. Each of the smaller units within an activity can be tagged with cognitive learning metadata.
3. Topics
This page allows the user to tag domain specific metadata to an activity, the prototype is not implemented yet since we are still talking to the UCWISE researchers to reach final agreements on the selection of metadata to use.
4. Instructor notes
This section allows the instructors to associate notes of to-do actions on an activity.
5. Authoring
This page will be linked to the UCWISE authoring component.

What was left out and why?

Tools used:

We built our prototype using HTML, CSS, JavaScript and Adobe Photoshop. The animated progress bar was created using Adobe Photoshop and functions written in JavaScript. Many of the un-clickable buttons and input boxes were created using Adobe Photoshop to give user a realistic look of an input form while restraining the user from trespassing areas in the prototype that has not been implemented yet.