This assignment will proceed in two steps. First, each student will perform a heuristic evaluation on their own and write up a report. Second, all the students in the evaluation group will pool their lists of problems, assign severity ratings to each problem, and make summary recommendations to the project group.
Individual Evaluation:
Apply Nielsen's heuristics, or a different set of heuristics if you think a different set is more appropriate, to the interface, making use of the project group's personas, scenarios, flow charts, screen shots, and interactive prototype. You should do this in two passes. In the first pass, read the group's reports and then try out their prototype (i.e., run it); walk through their task scenarios. In the second pass, go through the interface (using the scenarios again if appropriate) and look for and note HE violations.
You should concentrate on the interface the group has designed, not only on what has been implemented. Do not focus on features that are missing, but would clearly be added (e.g., "there should be help on this screen... and this screen..." -- if it is a globally missing feature you can report it once). We want to focus on evaluating what they have designed so far.
Use the severity rating scheme from the lecture:
The indvidual report should list each of the problems found in the following format:
6. [H3 User Control & Freedom] (Severity 3)
The interface
brings the user into a set of preference screens when they select "New
User", but doesn't allow the user out of the dialog until they fill out all
4 screens. There is no way to cancel from any of the screens if a user came
into the first screen by accident.
The individual evaluation writeup should take no more than two printed pages. You shouldn't spend more than two hours on this part of the assignment.
Group Evaluation:
The group report should close with some overall recommendations for improving the user interface. The group report should take no more than 6 printed pages. You shouldn't spend more than an hour and a half on this part of the assignment.
On Thursday April 7, in class, each group will discuss the results of the HE with their partner group. Thus you will be presenting both a written and an oral report.
Group Assignments:
Upcoming due dates: