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Week 1:
Assignment: Think about project and project team
Jan 22: Principles of HCI; Working in teams; Class Project Brainstorming
Assignment: Project Proposal assigned
Week 2:
Reading: Nielsen Ch. 1 - 4, Sullivan
Jan 29: Project Brainstorming; Sullivan Case
Reading: Nielsen, Ch. 7, Gomol, Constantine & Lockwood Ch. 5
Week 3:
Reading: Cooper Ch 9-10, Newman & Landay
Assignment: Project Proposals due
Assignment: Personas, Task Analysis assigned
Feb 5: Personas, Practice Persona Development
Reading: Cooper Ch 11
Week 4:
Reading: Norman, Ch 1 & 2. Optional additional Norman reading
Feb 12: Mappings, Mental Models
Reading: Norman, Ch 3 & 4.
Week 5:
Reading: Norman Ch. 5, Cooper (About Face, Ch 28), Raskin Ch 2 & 3., Bloopers Ch 5 (pp. 288-304)
Assignment: Personas, Task Analysis due
Assignment: Scenarios, Comparative Analysis, and Initial Design assigned
Feb 19: Heuristic Evaluation, Design Guidelines
Reading: Nielsen Ch. 5, Bloopers Ch 1 & 2
Week 6:
Assignment: Scenarios and Initial Design due
Assignment: Low-fi Prototype and Test assigned
Assignment: Individual Assignment assigned (due March 11)
Reading: Rettig, Cooper (Perils), Klee, JJG Interaction charts
Feb 26: WireFraming, Card Sorting
Reading: Robertson, Lamantia,
Excel template for Robertson reading More Card Sorting Resources
Example of the Card Sorting process
Week 7:
Reading: Bloopers Ch 5 (pp. 248-288)
Mar 4: Graphical Layout/Design
Reading: Bloopers Ch. 3
Week 8:
Reading: Nielsen Ch. 6, Jeffries et al
Assignment: First Interactive Prototype assigned
Mar 11: Finish Formal Usability Testing; Midterm review/practice
Assignment: Low-fi Prototype and Test due
Assignment: Individual Assignment due
Reading: Practice Midterm
Week 9:
Mar 18: Web Design and Search
Reading: Spool, Ivory & Hearst, Sinha et al., Yee et al.
--Spring Recess--
Week 10:
Reading: Bloopers Ch. 6
Assignment: Project Heuristic Evaluation assigned
Apr 1: Class Presentations
Reading: Bloopers Ch. 7
Assignment: First Interactive Prototype due
Week 11:
Reading: Raskin Ch 4, Bloopers Ch. 4
Apr 8: In-class reports of Project Heuristic Evaluations
Assignment: Project Heuristic Evaluation due
Assignment: Second Interactive Prototype assigned
Week 12:
Assignment: Pilot Usability Study assigned
Apr 15: Guest Lecture: James Reffell & Sacha Pearson: Doing HCI at Ebay
Assignment: Second Interactive Prototype due
Week 13:
Reading: Klemmer et al., Klemmer, Ishii
Apr 22: In-class Critique of New, Hot Interfaces
Reading: Nass et al., Fogg & Nass, Tseng & Fogg, Khasalvsky & Shedroff
Week 14:
Reading: Weiser, Bergman & Haitani, K-Ping Yee
Apr 29: Class Presentations
Healthy Communities
Road Sage
Event Calendar
Assignment: Third Interactive Prototype (Final Writeup) assigned
Week 15:
May 6: Class Project Presentations
Mapping China
SIMS Corpus
Finals Week: