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SIMS 213 - User Interface Design and Development


Materials for Working with Participants

Sample consent form. word   html

Sample records release form. word   html

Website for the UCB Committee on the Protection of Human Subjects

Samples of Protocols and other forms, at the CPHS site.

The newly revised Declaration of Exemption form (we select 3b only). pdf


The Denim system for low-fidelity prototyping is installed on the SIMS machines. For your convenience, I've obtained word file containing the entire tutorial


Jakob Nielsen's web site (http:///www.useit.com) has various thought-provoking articles, including fun stuff like the top-10 mistakes in web design and a slightly different heuristics list than the one in the book.

Information Architecture Resources (http://www.jjg.net/ia/) is a comprehensive listing and description of Information Architecture resources, from articles to book excerpts to career advice.

Assessibility research resource list (http://www.taskz.com/top_sites_ar.php) provides links on web accessibility and usability, including Section 508 (federal statute on web accessibility).

CS 160 Resources Page (http://guir.berkeley.edu/courses/cs160/spring2002/readings.htm) includes links to readings that are assigned for and/or complement readings in the CS department UI design course.

Best of Chi-Web and Sigia-I (http://www.uiweb.com/other/chiweb.htm) provides highlights from archives of email-based discussion groups on web usability, design, and HCI.

The RHA User Interface Hall of Shame (http://www.rha.com/ui_hall_of_shame.htm) Not as good as the original, which has disappeared, but has some inspirational counter-examples.

Bad Designs (www.baddesigns.com) The website itself is not all that well-designed, but it has great examples of design errors in physical artifacts. Unfortunately, no illustrations of interface designs.

The User Interface Hall of Shame (original site, http://www.iarchitect.com/mshame.htm, is down; a mirrored site can be viewed here: http://www.umlchina.com/GUI/Misplaced.htm) provides inspirational counter-examples.